TO: General Councilors, Society Presidents, and Field Representatives
Please send me your view of the long range goals and objectives of Urantia
Brotherhood. We plan to spend at least two years developing this topic
among various groups in the Brotherhood. We would suggest that regional
conferences and the General Conference of 1978 consider this subject as
one of the topics for discussion.
Plans for the Field Representative Workshop on March 5 and 6 must be
formulated in the near future. We hope each of the Field Representatives
will share their ideas with us for this two-day seminar.
We now have a firm date for the General Council meeting of 1977. it
will be held on Saturday, June 25, 10 a.m. at 533 Diversey Parkway.
Mr. Richard Bain of St. Petersburg, Florida, Mrs. Shelley Hemendinger,
Waterville, N.Y., and Mrs. Cheryl Prince, San Diego, California, have been
accepted as members-at-large.
The Executive Committee started the New Year with a rather uneventful,
but pleasant meeting in which department chairmen shared ideas for activities
which they are planning. Several committees must fill vacancies which have
occurred. The Committee on Education will be meeting on February 12. They
are making a study of how various societies and study groups are conducting
their meetings which they eventually will share with the Brotherhood. The
next Bulletin will be published around February 8. The International Fellowship
Committee reports that Henry Begemann is meeting regularly with an active
study group in France.
The volume of mail coming into the Brotherhood office is relatively
heavy. During the past month, for instance, around 90 letters were answered.
This is representative of correspondence month after month. John Hales
takes care of the majority of the letter writing. Often these letters require
rather lengthy answers. Most of the letters express both joy in discovering
The Urantia Book and curiosity about. the organization and people associated
with it. Almost every month there is a strange letter written by persons
claiming extra-planetary origins! Most letters, however, come from people
who appear to be solid, insightful, and progressive searchers for truth.
Reading these letters coming from people in all stations of our social
strata, from college presidents and diplomats to prison inmates, one is
inspired with the tremendous potentials of the Urantia message.
This year, I believe, will mark the beginning of an enlarged and deeper
unity within Urantia Brotherhood. Foundations are evolving which are rooted
in the bedrock of evolutionary experience. Illusions of grandeur and despair
are fading and we are facing more realistically the long and slow task
of establishing a Brotherhood which will one day be the dominant and saving
influence on our troubled planet.
We would invite each of you to unite with us in this great adventure
of faith in the spirit of love - love which is grounded in reality.
Meredith J. Sprunger, President