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October 9, 1976

TO: General Councilors, Society Presidents, and Field Representatives

The Planning Committee for the General Conference of 1978 is Carolyn Kendall (Chairman), Lewis Clark, Berkeley Elliott, Scott Forsythe, David Shlundt, and Helena Sprague. The Expediting Committee, who will take responsibility for actualizing the conference during the year preceding the conference, is composed of Carolyn Kendall (Chairman), John Hales, Lynne Kulieke, Charles Burton, and Marian Rowley.

The General Conference will be held in late July of 1978 in the Chicago area. If you have program suggestions, give them to Carolyn Kendall or a member of the Planning Committee. Some of you have asked about sharing the Executive Committee Letter with society members or leaders in your area. You are free to use your own judgment in sharing the letter with people in your area. There is little objective reason for communication problems. Everyone who desires may receive the Bulletin and the Journal and, at your discretion, you may share the Executive Committee Letter with anyone in your area. Helena Sprague conducted a Field Representative survey related to options in holding periodic meetings. Her report (which all Field representatives have received) shows a consensus for holding two day annual meetings in Chicago.

The Administrative Committee has decided that, although Field Representatives from other countries are always welcome at annual meetings, they are only expected to attend meetings held the year the Triennial Delegate Assembly meets. Field Representative meetings in these years will be held just before or just after the Triennial Delegate Assembly. The majority favored meetings in March or November. Accordingly, we plan to hold the next Field Representative meeting in March of 1977. "The Role of the Field Representative" and "In- Service Training" appear to be the topics of greatest interest. I should like to take this opportunity to ask each Field Representative to give me your ideas on these topics by January 15, 1977, along with any other ideas you may have for the March meeting. T

he Executive Committee plans to make the following changes in regulations for accepting members-at-large. We would encourage any of you who think these changes are not wise to communicate your reasoning with us. 1) If an individual lives within 100 miles of a society he should apply to that society for membership. The Executive Committee may allow exceptions to this rule.

2)The membership at large application should include a check response which encourages the applicant to start a study group, i.e.:

"I shall strive within the limits of my abilities and wisdom to start or encourage the organization of a group in my area to study The Urantia Book."

3. Every five years, each member-at-large shall renew his desire for membership and the Executive Committee shall accept or reject his renewal application. (The intent here is positive, not negative.)

Mrs. Anna Liisa Gullichsen of Espoo, Finland, Mrs. Aill Inkeri Nurmiaho of Helsinki, Finland, and Mrs. Marilyn B. Hauck of Webster Groves, Missouri, have been accepted as members-at-large.

Fall colors here are at their peak. We hope this beauty may have repercussions in your joy of living and serving.

Cordially, Meredith J. Sprunger, President


A Service of
The Fellowship for Readers of The Urantia Book