TO: General Councilors, Society Presidents, and Field Representatives
John Hales and I attended the Third Western Conference sponsored by
First Urantia Society of Los Angeles at the Irvine College Campus September
3-5. A little over 180 people attended. One is always a bit overwhelmed
by the stimulation of so many different and wonderful people and a little
frustrated by the over choice available in the mutually exclusive study
groups, workshops, and free-time activities. The general theme was "Brotherhood:
From Concept to Action.'' The general quality of the conference was high
and the program was unique in providing considerable time for socializing
and leisure activities. We shall long remember the wonderful hospitality
of our hosts and the precision with which we were escorted to meetings
and various activities in the greater Los Angeles area.
John and I spent two days just preceding the conference with Clyde and
Florence Bedell. In addition to sharing delicious meals in their spacious
and beautiful apartment in the Leisure World complex, we discussed the
possibility of Urantia Brotherhood Corporation becoming the distributor
of the Concordex. If the corporation is willing to send notices to bookstores
now handling The Urantia Book, Clyde would like to have us become the distributors
of the Concordex. He would, however, prefer to have us engage in more active
promotion. The Corporation will discuss this opportunity next month and
probably make some tentative decision at that time.
Martin Myers reports that Henry Begemann has recently visited Finland.
There are three small study groups and one large study group in Finland.
Henry has suggested that they strive to increase the number of small groups.
Martin also, said that, upon request, a Urantia Book has been sent to a
library in the Ukraine of the U.S.S.R.
Lynne Kulieke announced that the Committee on Education will hold a
telephone conference call discussion on October 11) with eight individuals
throughout the country who are helping to plan the workshops. The workshops
will be given at the General Conference next August.
A small group of dedicated people in the greater Chicago area have initiated
a Volunteer Work Project. These people are making a certain amount of time
available each week to work in the Chicago office or engage in various
activities which would be helpful to Urantia Brotherhood. This volunteer
group will be coordinated, activated, and directed by John Hales, Resident
Director. Department chairmen and other persons desiring such volunteer
help will make application through the Resident Director.
Barbara Kulieke informs us that the new format and printing procedures
will result in some delay in the publication of the Bulletin. The Publication
Committee, nonetheless, hopes to have the fall's issue of the Bulletin
in the mail by the last of September.
Janice and Leonard Kidd of Eureka, California,, and Connie Rubino of
West Paterson, New Jersey, were accepted as Members-at-Large.
Enclosed is an up-to-date Society Directory which Marian Rowley has
just completed. It is a constant struggle to keep names and addresses current.
We send our best wishes to those attending the Wenatchee regional meeting
October 1-2, and to those participating in the get-together in Montreal,
October 8-9.
If the summer has gone as fast for you as it has for us, you are a bit
startled to see that school has begun and the signs of fall are at hand.
We hope you will take the time to get out and enjoy this delightful time
of the year.
Meredith J. Sprunger, President