To: General Councilors, Society Presidents, and Field Representatives
Irene and I had a most pleasant visit with the West Palm Beach Study
Group on March 9. They have groups which meet on Sunday and Thursday evenings.
There was much interest in Brotherhood and Foundation activities and we
met many dedicated and able people.
The Florida Conference was held at the Franciscan Center in Tampa March
17-19. Around 75 people attended -- some from as far away as Canada and
New England. The fellowship was great and the program was well organized
and stimulating. Many new people were there and one had the impression
that The Urantia Book is being discovered by a growing number of people
in Florida and adjacent states.
Dick Prince writes that the Center for Life Enrichment in Pacific Beach,
California, has recently sponsored David Kantor in a multi-media program
based on the themes "Quest for Perfection" and "Vision for
an Advanced Civilization." The Center has also founded The University
for Humanistic Studies which has been authorized by the State of California
to give MA and Ph.D. degrees in humanistic studies.
The Judicial Committee reported that in their opinion the Charter Committee,
with the consent and approval of the Executive Committee, has the right
to require each study group applicant as a condition to admission to Urantia
Brotherhood to execute an appropriate licensing agreement between Urantia
Foundation and the society, governing the society's use of the registered
marks of Urantia Foundation. The Executive Committee unanimously approved
their ruling.
The Judicial Committee has observed that at times they have been asked
for opinions by individuals or groups who have not adequately documented
their request by setting forth their arguments in detail and citing, where
appropriate, those sections of the constitution which support their contention.
In the future they should like to request such arguments and documentation
by those requesting opinions of the Judicial Committee.
The Executive Committee spent some time discussing the role of the Field
Representative. Specifying a term of office is being considered and ways
to increase fellowship, rapport, and support of Field Representatives were
We are rethinking the philosophy and methodology of chartering societies.
There is general recognition of the importance of experience and time.
We hope to emphasize the significance of the activities and service orientation
of study groups rather than status factors which tend to be associated
with receiving a charter.
It was suggested by a Councilor at the last General Council meeting
that it would be good to involve more people when making nominations for
officers and departmental committees of the Brotherhood. The following
departmental committee positions expire this year: Judicial - Edith E.
Cook, Charter - Irene L. Sprunger, Fraternal Relations Ruth Renn, Domestic
Extension - Geraldine E. Hahn, International Fellowship Mary Snider, Education
- Lynne B. Kulieke, Publications - Michael Painter, Finance - Gloriann
Harris, and Special Projects - Edmond Kulieke, Jr.
If any of you or your societies have suggestions concerning nominations
for any of these expired terms, please send them to the Chicago office.
Obviously, in addition to the qualifications of the individual, various
practical considerations should be kept in mind such as the willingness
of the person to serve and his or her transportation and availability to
attend meetings. Please send any suggestions you may have by June 1.
We would call your attention to the following change of address:
Mr. Henry Begemann
38 Prins van Wiedlaan
2242 CE Wassenaar
We should like to remind all of the officers, departmental chairmen,
and field representatives of Urantia Brotherhood that they should plan
to have their written annual reports at the Chicago office no later than
June 1, 1978. We will then print these reports and send then, to all members
of the General Council at least fifteen days before the General Council
meeting on August 12, 1978.
Neil R. Francey of Melbourne, Australia, was accepted as a member-at-large.
The Vancouver Conference, the Midwest Conference at Fort Wayne, Indiana,
and the Eastern Conference at Worcester, Mass., will all be held on May
We extend our best wishes to all of these groups; we know they will
be rich in fellowship and dialogue.
The Ides of March are past, the chill of winter gone, and with the sun
warming the land our psychological outlook here in Chicago is warm, bright,
and hopeful. We assume --- societies will be sending in their signed Licensing
Agreements and that, in the main, the Brotherhood will be actualizing its
commitment in disseminating the teachings of The Urantia Book. This, however,
is being written on April 1 and I am reminded that the foregoing may be
an April Fool's optimism. I hope not; my faith in the future remains firm.
Get out and enjoy planting your gardens with optimism and confidence in
a fine growing season!
Meredith J. Sprunger, President