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May 1978

To: General Councilors, Society Presidents, and Field Representatives

Carolyn Kendall has been appointed-chairman of a sub-nominating committee to facilitate making nominations for departmental committee vacancies. The other members of the committee are John Hales, Lynne Kuleke, and Marian Rowley. I, personally, would like to see the Executive Committee nominate at least two people for each vacancy. If you have any recommendations, please send them to one of the committee members by June.

Julia Fenderson reports meeting with a new study group in Santa Barbara, California. Twenty-five people were present. The group was organized by Eunice Greaton, a legal secretary, whom Julia describes as having great leadership ability.

Dick Prince writes that he is happy to learn that we are considering terms of office for Field Representatives. He believes that ten years is the ideal term of office and plans to limit his tenure as Field Representative to this time frame.

Lew and Alice Clark attended a get-together in Portland, Oregon, on April 9. Thirty-three people from nine Oregon communities attended the three-hour meeting. There was fine spiritual fellowship and meaningful discussion. The meeting was expedited by Steve and Judy Kazmar who have good leadership potential.

Henry Begemann reports that they have organized a committee of editors for French publications. This committee is now working on some of the responsibilities which publishing a French edition of the Brotherhood Journal will involve.

Carolyn Kendall reported that the Fraternal Relations Committee was compiling policies which the Brotherhood has followed over the years in relating to other social and religious groups. They are trying to anticipate problems which might arise and think of creative ways to meet these situations.

The International Fellowship Committee at a recent meeting decided to focus on current needs in international fellowship rather than plan for future possibilities, according to committee chairman Martin Myers. They believe international growth of the Brotherhood will progress slowly. They are planning ways to be good hosts to international visitors at the General Conference.

All officers, departmental chairmen, and field representatives should remember to have their written annual reports at the Chicago office no later than June 1.

The Executive Committee studied and approved the proposed agenda for the field

representative meeting to be held at George Williams College on August 13, which was worked out by Helena Sprague and Steve Dreier. We wish to express appreciation to Steve and Helena for doing an excellent job.

Judy Karen Sexton of Lubbock, Texas, and D. Beech Barrett of New Haven, Connecticut, were accepted as members-at-large.

We send our greetings and best wishes to regional meetings being held May 13-14 at Fort Wayne, Indiana; Vancouver, British Columbia; and Worcester, Massachusetts; and to the get-together at Boulder, Colorado, on May 27-29.

To date we have received signed Licensing Agreements from five societies. We hope that all of our societies will have their signed agreements to us by the June 1 deadline. We appreciate your fine response to this difficult period in the early years of the Brotherhood and anticipate getting this strategic co-operative effort with the Foundation behind us.



Meredith J. Sprunger, President

A Service of
The Fellowship for Readers of The Urantia Book