EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE LETTER The big snow in Chicago during the last month has made its mark on the activities of 533 Diversey even preventing Meredith from making the trip to Chicago for our meeting. The snow had to be shoveled off the roof to stop water leaks. Part of the time our staff members who live in the suburbs were unable to get to the office. The city is beginning to get back on schedule and so are headquarters' activities. The Ad Hoc Committee on Field Representatives has composed a letter giving some background on its current study and asking Field Representatives to respond to the pros and cons of various problems and suggestions related to the responsibilities of Field Representatives. After the Field Representatives have shared their thinking with the Committee, they will, no doubt, make some recommendations to the Executive Committee. The Ad Hoc Committee on Leadership has worked out a list of qualifications which they hope may be helpful to Triennial Assembly Delegates in selecting members for the General Council. The list, approved by the Executive Committee, is enclosed with this letter. In preparation for this summer's meeting of the Triennial Delegate Assembly and the Triennial Meeting of the General Council, we have to complete the task of compiling a list of possible candidates. We ask you to send us your suggestions by March 15. Your list should cover two areas:
You will recall that officers and departmental chairmen must be able to attend the monthly meeting of the Executive Committee. A list of Councilors, officers, departmental chairmen, and committee members is enclosed. It indicates whose terms are expiring (on committees those with (1) following their name). First Urantia Society of Fort Wayne, Indiana has just held its annual meeting and has elected officers. Please correct the list of officers which was sent to you recently. President Mrs. Irene L. Sprunger Vice-President Mrs. Dorothy Sloffer Think Spring! Warm regards, John Hales, Chairman Pro Tem |
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