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March 1979

To: General Councilors, Society Presidents, and Field Representatives

We should like to send our best wishes to the Florida Conference of Students of The Urantia Book which is being held at Bradenton on March 16-18. John Hales plans to represent the Executive Committee at this meeting.

Henry Begemann has started a small study group in Paris which is making an in-depth study of the Foreword. Their first meeting was well received and much appreciated by all of the participants.

Julia Fenderson is operating a rather extensive "David Zebedee" service for people coming through the West Coast. Recently she has been hostess for people from Alaska, Australia, Hawaii, and various sections of mainland U.S.A. She writes 150-200 letters each month.

Berkeley Elliott is sprinting into the new year. She and others have attended a meeting in Austin, Texas, where they showed "Jesus: God and man" to around 60 people, meeting at the Unity Center. The first week-end in February she was with Steve and Barbara Dreier. They all attended a study group of around 25 at the home of Sid and Helena Sprague. On Tuesday of that week 15 Urantians attended a concert at Carnegie Hall which was conducted by Ron Schweitzer.

Helena Sprague reports two new study groups in Syemour, CT, and Carlisle, MA, and the probability of a group starting in Milford, MA. They are working with a number of ministers who have discovered the book. Their "homework' group is growing and they are enjoying visitors from other sections of the country. Helena feels the need for a Field Representatives' Round Robin. They are looking forward to the chartering of a Urantia society in Connecticut sometime this spring.

I have appointed a Sub-Nominating Committee to consider nominations for the officers of the Brotherhood and vacancies on Departmental Committees. Miss E. L. Christensen is chairperson and Marian Rowley and Bernard Burton are committee members. Please send any recommendations you may have for officers and Departmental Committees to this committee.

Will you also send recommendations to the Brotherhood office for possible candidates to be elected to the General Council. Brief biographical data should be included. These recommendations will be given to the delegates of the Triennial Delegate Assembly. Please get these names to us by March 15.


The San Francisco Bay Area Urantia Society held its annual meeting February 11 and the following officers were elected. Please correct the list of officers which was sent to you recently;

Mr. David Gray
San Francisco Bay Area Urantia Society
Box 126
Berkelev, CA 94701

Vice President
Mr. Terry McCade
1230 Walnut St.
Berkeley, CA 94709

Mrs. Francyl Gawryn
30 Domingo #4
Berkeley, CA 94709

Mr. Frank Gard Jameson, Jr.
1607 Milvia St. - #6
Berkeley, CA 94709

A couple of years ago a survey was taken among the ministers of the United Church of Christ concerning the trends in theology and religion. One of the findings of this survey was that they believed Old Testament theology and Pauline theology would exert less influence in the future and that the religion of Jesus will continue to grow in importance. Let us give thanks that we are in the vanguard of this movement for: "The hour is striking for presenting to Buddhism, to Christianity, to Hinduism, even to the peoples of all faiths, not the gospel about Jesus, but the living, spiritual reality of the gospel of Jesus." (p.1041)


Meredith J. Sprunger, President


A Service of
The Fellowship for Readers of The Urantia Book