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April 2, 1977

TO: General Councilors, Society Presidents, and Field Representatives

The role of the Field Representative was discussed in some detail. Some members of the Executive Committee expressed concern that the position of Field Representatives was ambiguous from the standpoint of the Brotherhood constitution. Is a resolution of the Executive Committee adequate in determining their role? It was decided to refer this question to the Judicial Committee for an opinion. If any of you, especially society presidents, have any wisdom to share in this question, please let us have your ideas. In general, the Executive Committee felt the Field Representatives were doing a great job. There is some agreement that we should probably give them more adequate guidance and support and that specific time limits should go with these appointments, such as five years, with a year of rest following such terms of service. They would then be eligible for reappointment. At present these ideas are only tentative considerations.

Some societies have asked the Foundation for advice concerning proper listing in telephone directories. Their legal counsel approved the following:

Urantia - Urantia Society of Los Angeles

The Foundation's legal counsel has not had time to study the Oklahoma Society letter and make possible revisions in the Confirmatory Agreement which takes into account the facts of Oklahoma's position. They hope to work on this in the near future.

John R. Lincoln of New Orleans, LA, was accepted as a member-at-large.

During the Brotherhood Corporation meeting we discussed the possibility of the Corporation becoming a distributor of the Concordex to bookstores. It was decided to ask the Foundation for their recommendation in this matter.

A person from Johannesburg in the Republic of South Africa writes: "I have just finished reading The Urantia Book, which a friend of mine lent me ... This book has opened my eyes and, in my opinion, is the best book I have ever read. Therefore, I am interested to tell others about it in the hope they will read it."

Often when we get bogged down in organizational mechanics and responsibilities, we need to remind ourselves that our primary mission is that of personal and spiritual ministry. As we do this, the organizational preoccupations fade in significance and we once more exhilarate to the primary spiritual goals of our lives.

We hope the rejuvenating impetus of spring and the celebration of Easter will renew your spirits and bring you joy in your service.


Meredith J. Sprunger, President

A Service of
The Fellowship for Readers of The Urantia Book