EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE LETTER To: General Councilors, Society Presidents and Field Representatives Call For Candidates! As already announced, this June 25-26 is the meeting of the Triennial Delegate Assembly (TDA). The primary purpose of this meeting is to elect Brotherhood members to serve on the General Council. In order to facilitate the process of finding suitable nominees for the society Delegates to consider, I am requesting that you send me the names of those who wish to be considered by the Delegates. Please include a brief yet informative biography. Enclosed are some guidelines, "Desirable Qualities of a Candidate for Urantia Brotherhood General Council," that were developed for the last TDA. Remember, the person nominated must have given permission to have the name placed in nomination and if elected be willing to serve on the Council. Incumbents can be nominated for another term. Enclosed is the list of Councilors showing those terms that are expiring or are vacant due to resignation or having been elected for a two year term to fill a vacancy, a total of 14 to be elected, 12 for a term of 9 years, 2 for 3 years. Any Brotherhood member can suggest individuals to be considered. Names and biographies can be sent directly to me or given to society presidents to forward to me. We will then make up a list of candidates and send them to society officers, Delegates and Alternate Delegates. This is a suggested list. Only the Delegates at the time of their meeting June 25 can place names in nomination. They have the sole responsibility for this determination. That is, they can use the list, add to it, delete from it, or not use it all. Could I please have your Suggestions by APRIL 15, to provide time to compile, duplicate, and distribute the list. If you have not already done so, all Delegates, Alternate Delegates, and society officers should read the constitution of Urantia Brotherhood, Article VI, "Triennial Delegate Assembly,'' and the appropriate by-laws to become familiar with the purpose and procedure of the TDA. Put simply: it is to 1) nominate and elect members of the General Council and 2) adopt resolutions, if desired, to be referred to the General Council. I am enclosing pertinent excerpts from the Brotherhood constitution for your convenience. Note: The TDA does not elect Brotherhood officers, members of the Executive Committee, or standing committees. The General Council will perform these functions at their own meeting, June 27. The "new'' Council includes those who have been elected. A need has been expressed by past Delegates to the TDA for an orientation session prior to the formal meeting. For this purpose we offer the following schedule: 2:00 PM Thursday, June 24 - Orientation (informal) session for Delegates and Alternate Delegates to meet with Brotherhood officers 5:00 PM Break for dinner 8:00 PM Reconvene -- if felt to be needed 10:00 AM Friday - Convening of Triennial Delegate Assembly (formal) Society Presidents. You are reminded that the election of your Delegate and Alternate Delegate must take place no later than April 25 and we ask that your secretary send the official notification to the Brotherhood office promptly on the form supplied on December 20, 1981. To make the proposed orientation session useful, I need to hear from you as to the willingness on the part of your Delegate and Alternate to take the extra time to be here Thursday afternoon by 2:00 PM, and I would also appreciate receiving your suggestions as to what you feel should be covered in this program. I believe the orientation session can be a useful tool in helping Delegates and Alternates to be better prepared for carrying out their duties at the formal sessions of the TDA the following day. I look forward to hearing from you on this proposal. Summer Workshops, June 28-july 2. Registration material for the workshops should be mailed by the first of April. Due to the limited space, openings will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis as determined by the return post mark. Those who are interested in receiving information should have sent in their post card which was mailed with the recent issue of the Brotherhood Bulletin. Martin Myers, Chairman of the International Fellowship Committee, has indicated he does not plan to be a candidate for membership on the Committee upon the expiration of his term this year. He has asked Marvin Gawryn, the Committee's secretary, to assume the responsibility for their part of the program at the workshops. Marvin has consented to do so. A new chairman will be elected at the June 27 meeting of the General Council. I wish to commend Martin for having reached what I believe was a difficult decision. There is no one with greater dedication to the Urantia movement and his contribution to the international work has been significant. Martin's responsibilities as a Foundation trustee will see us continuing to work together in our joint efforts to disseminate the Urantia teachings. Finance . The 7th Printing Fund has received $177,234, exceeding the total goal of $177,000 although the cost of $3,700 for running the phona-thon has not been recovered. Frank Sgaragino reported that as of December 31 , 1981 , we had received 278 replies from the 3,200 joint solicitation letters in November. Of this number, 84 were Brotherhood members that contributed or pledged $30,000. Non-members responded for a total of $38,000, as compared to $23,000 last year. However, this year's figure included 6 pledges totaling $18,000. Of the total, the Foundation will receive 53% and the Brotherhood 47%, as compared with 51, and 49% respectively last year. The amount pledged to the Brotherhood equals 32% of the planned budget, the same as last year. Keep in mind that these figures are based on information received at the end of the year. A more complete picture will be available after the follow-up letter is mailed at the end of May. Membership. We welcome Mr. Daniel Love Glazer of Washington, D.C. as a member-at-large in Urantia Brotherhood. Society News. You will wish to update your society officer list by noting the following: First Urantia Society of Houston San Francisco Bay Area Urantia Society Coming Conferences. In addition to those conferences listed in the last Brotherhood Bulletin, we have just received notice of the following: 1982 Southwest Regional Conference for Urantia Book Readers sponsored by Tulsa Study Group of the First Urantia July 30 - August I Theme: ''The Family - From Here to Eternity'' Arrowhead State Park (on Lake Eufaula), Canadian, OK Society of Oklahoma For information contact: C. L. & Eva Van Sant It appears that there are an increasing number of small conferences that are being organized and conducted not only by societies, but by study groups. These ''new'' gatherings provide greater opportunity for students of the Urantia revelation to benefit from fellowshipping with other religionists. So many have written to tell us how much they gain by just such association with fellow Jesusonians. Our thanks to all of those involved in donating their precious time and resources in helping to bring together the needed elements for successful gatherings. John W. Hales, President Urantia Brotherhood JWH/rjm Enclosures |
A Service of
The Fellowship for
Readers of The Urantia Book