What If?
What if the Urantia Papers had been written by a human committee bent on saving the world?
What if the Urantia Papers had actually been written by a human committee bent upon saving the world? Such a committee would need to have included expert-level knowledge of the Bible, the archaeology and history of the first century Palestine area, a substantial knowledge of the Roman world, plus expertise in chemistry, geology, history, physics, and general science.
The writing of the 2000-page Urantia Book would have required an enormous amount of time and effort. Hence it would be logical for the authors to have been highly selective in making guesses about future discoveries that could come within the scope of the "missing gap" information" allowed by the mandate. Material that requires a degree of expertise to appreciate has already been covered. Further discussion of some of this supposed "missing gap," unearned, but prophetic information follows.
Mountain Building. The Urantia Papers associate the processes of mountain building and drifting continents as being responsible for the chain of mountains on the west coast of the Americas reaching from Alaska to the bottom of South America. (P. 689)
Modern readers probably do not give the statement a passing thought. But until the mid-1950's and even later, continental drift was classified as a no-go heresy amongst the great majority of geologists. So why was it included it as a major factor for mountain building?
Marsupial migration. The Papers say that the ancestors of kangaroos roamed Australia 45 million years ago, and that 35 million years ago there was a land bridge re-connecting Australia, Antartica, South Africa, and South America.
Marsupial fossils are found in Upper Oligocene strata (35-40 million years ago) in Australia and as far back as the Cretaceous in South America (about 65 million years ago). Marsupial fossils have also been found on Seymour Island in the Antarctic. Fossil evidence indicates that marsupials did not reach Australia from either Asia or Africa. And it is highly unlikely they evolved in isolation.
Again, most modern readers would pass over this information without realizing that, when written, the concept of continental drift up until the 1960's, was still a major heresy. Now the linking of these three continents constitutes an accepted part of the theory.
Double star Supernova Explosion. The most recent of the major cosmic eruptions in Orvonton was the extraordinary double star explosion, the light of which reached Urantia in A.D. 1572. This conflagration was so intense that the explosion was clearly visible in broad daylight. (P. 458)
The explosion of a supernova in 1572 was a brilliant spectacle visible in broad daylight, and became known as Tycho Brahe's nova. The Urantia Papers say that this nova was due to the explosion of a double star. The first serious theoretical description of novas and supernovas was presented in 1957 by Burbidge, Fowler, and Hoyle and indicated both single and double star nova and supernova can occur. The remnant of the Tycho Brahe supernova was re-discovered in 1952 by use of the newly invented radio telescope but could not be shown to be a single or double star explosion until it was extensively mapped by the orbiting Einstein X-ray observatory in 1967 when its double star status was demonstrated.