International July/August 2004
Journal of the Brotherhood of Man Library, an Information Resource for Students of The Urantia Book.
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Please Note
In this issue discussion is continued of the side by side existence of both prophetic and erroneous material in the text of the Urantia revelation.
Because of the knowledge explosion that has occurred over the past fifty or more years, a modest level of High School education is now the only requirement to ensure that new readers become aware of many of these erroneous statements.
However a deep study of both the prophetic and erroneous material will surely evoke the thought that the revelators must have included such material deliberately.
In the previous issue, examples of the prophetic material were given. In this, errors are the major topic--and speculation is offered upon the manifold possible reasons for their deliberate inclusion.
The printed version of Innerface International may be obtained from:
David Biggs, 4040 Becher Rd., Flint MI 48532, USA Internet: elsnerr@comcast.net
Other: Ken Glasziou, 2/9 Fig St. Maleny 4552, Australia Internet: kglaszio@ozemail.com.au