Universal Spiritual Religion
Summary: Belief in God reduces to two basic axioms that naturally give rise to a universal spiritual religion.
Commencing around 600 years BCE and progressing to about 600 CE, a remarkable set of individuals appeared on Earth and proceeded to awaken mankind to the fact of God's existence--and that God's spirit dwells within the mind of every receptive individual human being to foster their spirituality. This indwelling God-Spirit is the real source of all true goodness, all morality, all spirituality. (see p.1134)
This is exactly the same indwelling Spirit of God that was friend, guide, and counselor to such remarkable sources of divine revelation as Moses, Lao Tzu, Siddartha Gautama, Jesus of Nazareth, Muhammad, and many others during their short interlude on Planet Earth.
This synopsis constitutes a framework for discovering the existence of God and the mind of God. It also generates a logical basis for religious belief more basic even than does Whitehead's "Process Theology."