Over almost 2000 years only a handful of isolated individuals have utilized the potential available with the Spirit of Truth to further advance the kingdom of heaven on earth. Instead, most Christians have clung to the dogma that the main purpose of Jesus' crucifixion was as a blood sacrifice offered to God for the forgiveness of their sins.
This despite the illogicality of a God whom we recognize as the epitome of perfect love and compassion--yet is the same God who demands the cruel death by crucifixion of his Son before he will forgive his ignorant earthly children for their sins--most of which are of a relatively trivial nature.
Judged from the New Testament records about the apostles, up to the day of Pentecost when they received the Spirit of Truth, they were a very ordinary pack of individuals. But from that day onwards they underwent metamorphosis. The record of their remarkable achievements was recorded by Luke in the Book of Acts. Without their heroism most probably we in the 21st century would never have heard of Jesus' Spirit of Truth--and possibly not even of Jesus.
In 1955, the publication of the Urantia Revelation changed all that. Once more mankind was made aware of the potential of the Spirit of Truth:
"to teach us to function so as to demonstrate the achievement of God seeking man and finding him and the phenomenon of man seeking God and finding him." (1328)
"to have us recognize that neither the golden rule nor the teaching on non-resistance can ever be properly understood as dogmas or precepts. They can only be comprehended by living them." (1950)
"to live in our souls, lead our spirits into the truth, and to illuminate the difference between sin and righteousness." (1951)
"to foster our awareness that the chief purpose in living is in doing the Father's will." (1951)
"to have the Son of Man become a spiritual incarnation in the souls of true believers." (1953)
"to teach us to live in accordance with the spirit of Jesus' teachings" (1953)
"to declare, "Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." (1955)
"to bring to our awareness that our careers in time and eternity are safely and wholly in the care of an all-wise, all-loving, and all powerful spirit Father." (1955)
"to help us to labor for the extension of the kingdom." (1957)
"to teach us the poise of compassion and sympathetic tolerance." (1958)
"to inspire us to dedicate our lives to the cause of leading mankind to search for God and to seek eternal realities with the eye of spiritual faith--not with the eyes of the material mind." (1960)
"to teach us that the expression of even a good thought must be modulated in accordance with the intellectual status and spiritual development of the hearer. (1960)
"to remind us that all things work together for the glory of God and the salvation of mankind." (1966)
"to personalize truth for it is the comprehension of truth that constitutes the highest form of human liberty." (2060)
"to bear witness to the realities of Jesus' teachings and his life as he lived it in the flesh." (2061)
"to foster our love for truth and our capacity to grasp and comprehend spiritual realities." (2063)
"to purify our hearts and lead us to formulate a life purpose single to the will of God and the welfare of all mankind." (2065)
However take care not to make the mistake of expecting to become strongly intellectually conscious of the outpoured Spirit of Truth. The Spirit never creates a consciousness of himself, only a consciousness of Jesus--Michael, the Son. From the beginning Jesus taught that the Spirit would not speak of himself. The proof, therefore, of your fellowship with the Spirit of Truth is not to be found in you consciousness of this Spirit but rather in your experience of enhanced fellowship with Jesus--Michael. (2061)