Adam and Eve

Ann Bendall, Australia

    Apart from God, the two most maligned personalities in the history of Urantia would have to be Adam and Eve. They were the couple whose "apple-eating" venture cost us humans the glory that once was ours. As a result of their mistake all humans are born inherently evil instead of good! The belief in the innate evil of mankind was embraced by the father of psychology, Freud, and I suspect his religious background would have coloured his theories - which have  subsequently been proved  wrong.

    Humans are born innately moral and social beings, that is the findings of psychology. The Church still has great difficulties in trying to discover whether we are good or bad. It appears that a major problem is the old testament story of Adam and Eve. That couple did such a dastardly deed that even Jesus who died on the cross as payment for mankind's (or is it personkind's?) sins was unable to meet the debt owing for Adam and Eve's goof.  In the best of atonement believing religions, so also is the concept that we are born bad, so Jesus could not have been able to fit Adam and Eve's sin on the cross.

    What is interesting is that it appears that Jesus, in his public ministry days, did not try to correct the Adam and Eve myth. When talking about sin and evil with the apostles, the only mention of Adam and Eve comes in the form of an answer to a question by Thomas:

"You do not understand the relationships of evil and sin because you view mankind as beginning on earth with a perfect Adam and rapidly degenerating, through sin, to man's present deplorable estate. But why do you refuse to comprehend the meaning of the record which discloses how Cain, the son of Adam, went over into the land of Nod and there got himself a wife? And why do you refuse to interpret the meaning of the record which portrays the sons of God finding wives for themselves among the daughters of men?" (p.1660).

  Hence, in his exquisite way, Jesus was not going to deal with the error in religious teachings of his day, but await the truth eradicating error for, as he points out, the bible is totally contradictory on the whole story of who Adam and Eve were.

    How loved those two personalities are by Michael!

    Throughout the whole of the Lucifer rebellion Adam and Eve had remained loyal to Michael. And they were excellent parents. Not one of their 100 children were led astray by  the sophistries of Lucifer.  We are not told how many of the 161 million Material Sons of our local universe are residents of Satania, but we do know that 681,217 Material Sons were lost in Satania, and that 95% were as a result of the Lucifer rebellion.

    Those must have been very sad times for Adam and Eve and their children, as they watched many of their friends succumb to the wiles of Lucifer.

    And then came the post of Urantia. All of the Material Sons put in for this "plum" assignment, and Adam and Eve were chosen as the most suitable. They had all the necessary skills as well as vast experience with new arrivals, having been teachers in the citizenship schools on Jerusem.

    They were told of the difficulties they would experience, the problems they must deal with, but there is no substitute for real life experience. They were given responsibilities for which they were deemed to be adequately equipped and fully instructed; but, their task was also regarded as nigh on impossible. We can all criticize them for being so impatient, particularly Eve. If they had been more patient they would have succeeded, but the reality was they had a mountain of obstacles to overcome.
Other Material Sons and Daughters normally arrive on a planet at a time when the inhabitants are starting to undertake programs for the eradication of their defective stock. Not so on Urantia (which still has not embarked on such a scheme). Nor could Adam and Eve obtain any enthusiasm from the inhabitants to any interference with the way things were.

    I can imagine the excitement on Satania when they were appointed. All their friends would have given them advice on how to approach the Urantia assignment. There would have been parties and lots of love and warmth on the beautiful sphere of Satania. Then it is all over and they arrive on Urantia and they are so very, very lonely. They have left  every vestige of familiarity behind; their children, their friends, civilization as they had known it for all of their lives to date - their whole life changed overnight.

    No sooner did they arrive and the locals became hysterical and wanted to make them gods. That must have been both traumatic and sobering as the midwayers used their power to get the two physically to the scene of uproar before it became totally uncontrollable. And as the days passed, the two must have clung to each other.
Gradually each of their illusions became shattered by the  primitiveness of the inhabitants of Urantia, and the practical appreciation of how slow progress was going to be.

    Seven years the Melchizadeks and Van remained - such a short time. Adam did not want them to leave but the time had come. Who could they talk to? Did they not grieve as their

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