It's a Worry

William Wentworth, Towamba, Australia

    If there is any single issue which exercises the minds of readers of The Urantia Book, the question of how to attract more readers, or alternatively how to spread the teachings, would have to be given pride of place. We seem to give more attention to this question than to almost any other. Wherever readers gather, at study groups, conferences, or everyday social situations, the conversation usually seems to come around to this question. And although no survey has been attempted, it's a fair bet to say that more words have been written by readers about this topic than any other. Upon all of our minds the question insists on impinging itself. How are we to introduce the Fifth Epochal Revelation to the people of Urantia? How is the population of our planet to become aware of the most advanced information yet made available to us? What can we do to assist people to take to heart  the message of hope which the Revelation contains?

     The question worries us. All around us we see evidence of our previous vital and progressive civilization beginning to degenerate and decay. The evil chickens of the secular revolt are coming home to roost. Only a widespread rekindling of interest in spiritual truth and the evolution of worship-wisdom can forestall a "dark age."

    It doesn't seem to be happening. The Fifth Epochal Revelation is making very slow progress. Readership grows only very slowly. Spiritual revivals follow older and more spectacular paths. Religions go around in circles. Some readers think that the Fifth Epochal Revelation is in danger of failing because we, who know and accept it, have failed to put enough of the right kind of effort into propaganda or organization, or personal witness, or philanthropy, or militancy, or prayer, or who knows what else. Groups are inspired to attempt new approaches, but seem often to achieve little. And much energy is expended in internecine strife of one kind or another - over dogma, or technique, or style, or personality clashes. We don't seem to be making much of a fist of it.

    But then, what did we expect? Someone has recently pointed out the error of confusing hopes with expectations. The Midwayer Commission teaches that "you should not become discouraged by the apparently slow progress of the kingdom idea..." (1863), and reminds us that "the order of progressive evolution is subjected to sudden and unexpected periodical changes."

    The Fifth Epochal revelation is not something that can be sold like soap or toothpaste, and it cannot be forced on people against their will. Only a few of us have so far stumbled upon it, and recognized what we had stumbled upon, because we wanted to. (Can you imagine what life would be like without it?) Maybe the "order of progressive evolution" will infuse increasing numbers of people with the desire for that indefinable something, which they will recognize when they find it--just as we did.

    A Solitary Messenger from Orvonton points out that "certain abrupt presentations of thought, conclusions and other pictures of mind...are the sudden emergence into consciousness of ideas which have been grouping themselves together in the submerged mental levels...." Maybe there are large numbers of people whose life experience is accumulating unconsciously in this way. On p.1708 we are told that, "Jesus fully understood how men prepare themselves for the decisions of a crisis, and the performance of sudden deeds of courageous choosing between the recurring situations of good and evil." How many people might just be preparing themselves to make a leap of faith in this way?

    So, as we worry about our being ineffectual we can also hope that activities beyond our comprehension are preparing the minds and souls of our fellows to receive the message of the Fifth Epochal Revelation. We can hope it, but we would be silly to expect that such activities negate the need for our efforts.

    Nevertheless, even for Jesus himself, "everything must await the coming of its time." While we readers of The Urantia Book wait for the time of the Fifth Epochal Revelation, we can be personally thankful for ourselves having been blessed with it, seize whatever opportunities to spread its message which come our way, keep our expectations in check, and live in hope--hope that life experience is preparing the minds of our fellows to seek, and want, what the Revelation has to offer.

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