I do not pretend to have a complete answer to the riddle of The Urantia Book. For me, its prophetic material certainly tipped the scales in favor of accepting the book for what it claims to be. Perhaps it was written as it is so that any sincere truth seeker would inevitably find their own revelation somewhere within its pages. Perhaps those who are consciously or sub-consciously seeking their own 'cop-out' will also find what they seek. Perhaps also, this must be so because God has decreed that our free will is sacrosanct.
Though it be a puzzle, the existence of its riddles has only served to increase my reverence, awe, and respect for the book. As the years go by, more and more its revelatory religious and spiritual content becomes the hub about which my very being revolves. But it is not a book that is at the center of the hub. It is its simple gospel message, to wit: the revelation of Jesus that I am a child of a gracious, compassionate, and loving heavenly Father and the recipient of a progressive unfolding by my Thought Adjuster and the Spirit of the meaning of my existence--provided only that I voluntarily seek to know and do the Father's will.