problem avoidance, and ease-seeking are the very first animal vestigial traits that need to be eradicated early in the morontia career--before we can get on with the music of the heavens and "light picturizations" of the heavenly reproducers. In truth, harmonious acoustic music foreshadows the Paradisical universe realities that turn the emotions of time into the thoughts of eternity. Through these truths, man attains beauty and then, by spiritual love, ascends to goodness. Faith leads to knowing God, not merely to a mystical feeling of the Divine Presence. Musical emotional consequences lead to believing and knowing, as well as to the satisfying fruits of feeling.
When we stand in awe of the Master Universe, we must pause to consider that this inconceivable creation is but a partial revelation of the Infinite Father whose face is ever turned to us as the Universal Father of Love. The Melchizedek Symphonies, which are but "Religion in Human Experience" will serve as a living guide (or guide for living) to those who might wish to develop a bonafide understanding of them on their way to unifying these life qualities on ever ascending levels of cosmic wisdom, harmonious self-realization, God-finding and Father worship. As presaged by Melchizedek, Jesus, our Master, is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. I am personally opting to follow Him, His Mind and His Music. Won't you follow him, too? And form an orchestra?