partial reimbursement through book sales. It still operates in this way--which is one reason why they will talk to you, and will read your manuscript. Whether it can survive in the future is hard to say. They have to cope with the trend by which the big publishing houses tie up the distribution system. But for the present they are one means. Readers need to tell us if they know about other means to get our secondary works into press and circulation.

    I believe that the greatest potential for spreading the essential message about the true nature of God is via children's books. Children are teachable. Adults generally are not. So if you have a talent, the challenge is there. I ask readers to get out there and order "
Christ or Chaos" from your retailer, then give it to a church-going friend. Sandy and Christel Garrick, long time readers of The Urantia Book, believe it is the kind of work that is required and are translating it into Swedish. Also, an elder of the Presbyterian Church (not a Urantia Book reader) 'phoned from 1000 miles away to find out where he could buy copies for his family. It will cost you US$13.95, and it will be adding US$5.58 to the trust fund to help others. Write to us at Innerface if you have questions, ideas, or proposals about secondary works.  And remember what our grandmothers used to say, "The Lord helps those who help themselves."

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