other side shiny. The ratio of shiny to dark area in the sun can be varied to control the temperature in the satellite. Perhaps our neighbors have the capability of changing the absorption capabilities of their bodies to control their temperature; they might be mortal chameleons! Just like ours, their circulatory system undoubtedly has a mechanism for quick sealing of wounds to prevent a rapid loss of circulatory fluid due to an injury. And if they have a circulatory system, then such a system would need some sort of pump, a heart. Obviously the life carrier designers have solved all such problems involved with the nonbreather design, just as they have solved problems unique to life on worlds such as ours, and perhaps the solutions are more similar than we might at first imagine. But their communications must be quite different.
We cause vibrations in the air with our vocal cords to create speech that travels through the air to other people. The nonbreathers obviously use some other means to communicate. Of course, we use other means to communicate as well. Deaf people use sign language to communicate, or read lips. This works well in the light, but not at all in the dark, and of course light can't pass around obstacles. We do use a form of energy for communications that works in the dark and can pass through obstacles; that form is radio waves. It might seem preposterous to think of living beings generating radio waves, but that is very possible. In fact, our bodies generate very feeble low frequency electromagnetic waves because of electrical currents in our nerves and brains. The nonbreathers might have a specialized organ such as electric eels have that can generate a large voltage. All that would be required to generate the radio waves is to apply that voltage to an electrically conducting material and vary the voltage at a high rate. This would vary the current through the conductor which would generate and radiate electro-magnetic waves (radio waves). The non-breathers "speech" patterns could be impressed on the varying electrical current--as we do in radio broadcasting--and the electromagnetic wave thus created would carry the information to other nonbreathers. There would also have to be an organ to detect these radio waves, but that should not be a problem for the life carrier designers. There is an interesting side issue involved with the non-breathers' communications.
On Page 446, the Mighty Messenger author informs us that the nonbreathers require special means to communicate when they reach the mansion worlds. This indicates two things: First, we and the nonbreathers apparently communicate the same way on the mansion worlds as we do on our individual planets, which is evidence that our bodies there are similar to our bodies here. Second, the non-breathers must be provided with mechanisms on the mansion worlds that convert their radio waves (if that's what they use) to sound waves and our sound waves to radio waves so they can communicate with the rest of us.
Child birth among the nonbreathers is another interesting issue. The author mentions that it is a similar but modified form of the way our children are born. Perhaps the baby develops in some sort of sealed pouch which splits open at the time of birth to allow the baby out into the world. If you think that being born into a cold operating room is tough, how about being born into a vacuum?
On Page 446 we are also told of intense electrical storms that the nonbreathers must contend with on their planets. We are all familiar with the lightning storms we have on Urantia, but what sort of electrical storms could occur on a planet without an atmosphere? The answer came to me as I was watching a TV show about colonizing our moon. During magnetic storms on the sun, great quantities of high energy charged particles are hurled out into space from the magnetic disturbed areas on the sun. These charged particles can damage the cells of our bodies. To protect themselves, the inhabitants of the moon base went into electrically shielded rooms until the magnetic storm was over, which is exactly what the nonbreathers do during their electrical storms. Even now, pilots and crews of flights that fly long distances at high altitudes, such as over the north polar regions must be careful not to get excessive exposure to the charged particles during magnetic storms on the sun. Furthermore, such exposure is also a concern for astronauts on long missions in space.
Yes, those nonbreather folks seem pretty odd to us but I suppose that we seem just as peculiar to them as we move about in a sea of corrosive gas like oxygen, and communicate by vibrating air molecules. Looks like we'll both have to make some adjustments when we get to the mansion worlds. But as much trouble as some folks on this planet have just tolerating someone with a different skin color, what a problem they will have learning to work with and relax with nonbreathers! But then that's what the mansion worlds are for, isn't it?
On page 447, the author of Paper 41 informs us that the nonbreathers are, "...identical with your order of creature life in spirit and personality manifestation..." I have always felt that the first prayer on page 1622 must have been written by someone on one of the nonbreather worlds because of the line, "Give us this day the vivifying forces of light..." I feel a certain kinship with these beings as I seek my daily bread and a better relationship with our spirit Father.