10. Richard Freund lecture of July 17, 1995 at Ribbutz Ginosar. 11. C.H. Dodd, (cited above) 12. "Christian Sites Around the Sea of Galilee." in Dominican Studies 3, 12. 13. C.H. Dodd, (cited above) 14. 14 Edersheim, Alfred (cited above) 15. Edersheim, 1, 676 16. Antiquities XVIII, 4, 6. (Kopp, "Christian Sites" in Dominican Studies 3, 13, 35.) 17. The first three pairs involve towns in the north and south of Israel: R. Arav, 7/10/95 lecture at Ginosar. 18. Refuted in "Jesus and His World." John J. Rousseau and Rami Arav (Augsburg Fortress, 1995), 20. 19. Sandra Fortner, on the other hand, finds pottery evidence (late Roman Terra Sigillata) for occupation of the site around the year 300 CE (from the abstracts for the summer 1995 Budapest meeting of the Archaeological section of SBL.) Fred Strickland identifies five corns from Trajan's time (98-117), he asserts that the city became uninhabited after an earthquake near the end of Trajan's reign (July 12, 1995 lecture) Rabbis from Bethsaida are mentioned in rabbinic sources, but not after the third century: Richard Freund, lecture at Kibbutz Ginosar, July 17, 1995. Approximately 400CE, a catastrophic breakout flood of the Jordan River sent boulders hurtling into the delta area, destroying any anchorage sites that may have existed: John Shroder, Ginosar lecture, July 19, 1995. 20. "Description of the East." London 1743-45 21. "Biblical Researches in Pal." 2nd ed. 2: 404-6;0 3:358f 22. This information is from Rami Arav's lecture at Kibbutz Ginosar, July 6, 1995. 23. Nun, Mendel. (cited above)
Surfing the Sunbeams. Calcium, the Wanderer