After years of accumulating information from religion and science, I decided to apply the mathematical procedures to this information. I reduced this information by trying to eliminate complexities. The rule I used was--is this complexity God-given or man-made--and eliminated the man-made. The result was: The universe and all it contains is energy.
This is the simplest form that I was able to reduce this information. When I got to this point I found myself dealing directly with God. I am absolutely and totally responsible for: 1. Proper use of universal (God-given) laws. 2. Keeping God's commandments. 3. Doing the will of God. 4. Choosing good over evil. 5. Loving God and man.
I found that I have defined a system whereby I can tell if I am choosing good over evil. The greater my skill becomes in making my choices, the greater is my spiritual growth.
God gave me the ability to choose, the freedom to choose, and gave me the responsibility for the choices I make.
To sum up: I need to do the right thing, in the right way, at the right time.
I have great confidence in what I have done and explained because it will help me to drastically reduce my transgressions of the Divine Law.
The Urantia Book states (p.18) "The Creators are the first to attempt to save man from the disastrous results of his foolish transgression of the Divine Laws."
If just one person really understands what I have deduced in this summary, and if it helps them as much as it has me, I will have my reward.