Heisenberg and God
from an essay, "Positivism, Metaphysics, and Religion." by Werner Heisenberg.
Werner Heisenberg along with Neils Bohr, Enrico Fermi, Paul Dirac, Wolfgang Pauli, and Max Born were major figures in the development of quantum theory during pre-war years. In 1952, Heisenberg, Pauli, and Bohr came together again in Copenhagen at a meeting to discuss the construction of a European accelerator. One evening Pauli and Heisenberg were walking together along the waterfront when Pauli unexpectedly shot this question to Heisenberg, "Do you believe in a personal God?"
After a few moments, Heisenberg responded, "May I rephrase your question. I myself should prefer the following formulation: Can you, or anyone else, reach the central order of things or events, whose existence seems beyond doubt, as directly as you can reach the soul of another human being? I am using the term 'soul' quite deliberately so as not to be misunderstood. If you put your question like that, I would say yes. And because my own experiences do not matter so much, I might go on to remind you of Pascal's famous text, the one he kept sewn in his jacket. It was headed 'Fire' and began with the words: God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob--not one of the philosophers and sages."
Pauli responded, "In other words, you think that you can become aware of the central order with the same intensity as of the soul of another person?" Heisenberg answered, "Perhaps." Pauli continued, "Why do you use the word 'soul' and not simply speak of another person?" Heisenberg's answer was: "Precisely because the word 'soul' refers to the central order, to the inner core of a being whose outer manifestations may be highly diverse and past our understanding.
"If the magnetic force that has guided this particular compass--and what else was its source but the central order?--should ever become extinguished, terrible things may happen to mankind, far more terrible even than concentration camps and atom bombs. But we did not set out to look into such dark recesses; let's hope the central realm will light our way again, perhaps in quite unsuspected ways. As far as science is concerned, however, Neils is certainly right to underwrite the demands of pragmatists and positivists for meticulous attention to detail and for semantic clarity. It is only in respect to its taboos that we can object to positivism, for if we may no longer speak or even think about the wider connections, we are without a compass and hence in danger of losing our way."
Despite the late hour, a small boat made fast on the jetty and took us back to Kongens Nytorv, whence it was easy to reach Niels' house.