justice is never a personal act; it is always a group function. Neither do the Gods, as persons, administer justice. But they perform this very function as a collective whole, as the Paradise Trinity." (1146) From this group Trinity function I infer a mighty admonition overhead when human parents seek to rule their children by personal authority in place of group decisions founded on family sovereignty.
How do the Gods of local universes make decisions? You guessed it. They hold celestial Family Meetings; "... there is an ideal of marriage on the spheres on high. On the capital of each local system the Material Sons and Daughters of God do portray the height of the ideals of the union of man and woman in the bonds of marriage and for the purpose of procreating and rearing offspring." (930) "….both the Son and the Spirit function together, and in no creative act does the one do aught without the counsel and approval of the other." (369) This embodies the consensual component of Family Meetings. As you may recall, at the jubilee of jubilees the Mother Spirit pledges to the Creator Son fidelity and obedience. He, in turn, acknowledges eternal dependence on her and equality with her as co-ruler of their domains. "And this becomes the transcendent pattern for the family organization and government of even the lowly creatures of the worlds of space. This is, in deed and in truth, the high ideal of the family.…" (369)
So, it appears that from the lowest to the highest, from Earth to Salvington and on to Uversa and beyond, the Family Meeting idea is the fabric of universe governance and justice. No wonder we are directed to return to the family-council practices of the Andites. The heavenly model of family life encourages parents to unburden themselves of the pseudo-sovereignty of personal authority and release themselves into the joy and light of consensual agreements-family sovereignty--the Jesusonian approach to family harmony.
References Slagle, Robert W (1985). "A Family Meeting Handbook: Achieving Family Harmony Happily." (Family Relations Foundation Press, Box 462, Sebastopol, CA) 95473 "The Urantia Book." (The Urantia Foundation, Chicago, 1955)