enlightened honesty, undying hope, confiding trust, merciful ministry, unfailing goodness, forgiving tolerance, and enduring peace." (2054)
"The teachers of this new religion are now equipped with spiritual weapons. They are to go out to conquer the world with unfailing forgiveness, matchless good will, and abounding love. They are equipped to overcome evil with good, to vanquish hate by love, to destroy fear with a courageous and living faith in truth." (2064)
"The Master's entire life was consistently conditioned by this living faith, this sublime religious experience. This spiritual attitude wholly dominated his thinking and feeling, his believing and praying, his teaching and preaching. This personal faith of a son in the certainty and security of the guidance and protection of the heavenly Father imparted to his unique life a profound endowment of spiritual reality." (2088)
[The purpose in providing these quotations is to aid readers in gaining understanding of what is meant by those difficult to define concepts, "spiritual meanings and values"--the truth being that such are the only components of our mortal existence that survive with us to the next stage of existence. Lest we do the same, it is also worth noting that Jesus had great difficulty in teaching the apostles spiritual concepts for they invariably turned them into rules to be obeyed.]