When is Epochal Revelation not Epochal?
"Truth is always a revelation: autorevelation when it emerges as a result of the work of the indwelling Adjuster; epochal revelation when it is presented by the function of some other celestial agency, group, or personality." (1109)
Note that epochal revelation is concisely defined by the authors of the Urantia Papers as having been issued directly from a celestial agency, group, or personality other than our indwelling God-spirit, our Thought Adjuster.
Following careful consideration, it becomes clear that some revelation could have special significance, even epochal significance, but still not fall within the defines of "epochal revelation."
The authors make another careful distinction in differentiating between "autorevelation" and "epochal revelation." I was unaware of these distinctions until, in a talk given at an Australian conference, the speaker made the statement that nowhere in The Urantia Book do its authors claim it is the "Fifth Epochal Revelation." A check soon revealed that he was correct.
Most readers appear to have made the same mistake as myself. What the book states is this:
"There have been many events of religious revelation but only five of epochal significance. These were as follows:" (1007)
It then lists the:
The Dalmatian teachings promulgated by Prince Caligastia's staff The Edenic teachings from Adam and Eve The teachings of Melchizedek of Salem The teachings of Jesus of Nazareth The Urantia Papers.
The first four of these come within the definition of "epochal revelation" as each issued directly from a "celestial agency" other than the Thought Adjuster. But the means by which the Urantia Papers came to us is quite different:
"The Adjuster of the human being through whom this communication is being made..." (1208)
Thus, since the Papers have come through a human being and via a Thought Adjuster, they appear to have excluded themselves from the status of being "epochal revelation" but, instead, appear to fall within their own definition of "autorevelation." (1109)
However, as normally used in the English language, the prefix, "auto" means "self," whereas the text of p. 1208 may indicate that the human individual involved was simply a vehicle for the transfer of information. Hence, the Urantia Papers may not comply with their own definitions of either epochal revelation or autorevelation--if the latter is assumed to specifically involve only an individual and their Thought Adjuster.
However, the fact remains that the immediate source "through whom this communication is being made" was a human being--and the Paper states:
"...nothing which human nature has touched can be regarded as infallible. Through the mind of man divine truth may indeed shine forth, but always of relative purity and partial divinity. The creature may crave infallibility, but only the Creators possess it." (1768)
Actually, there is no claim for infallibility anywhere in the Urantia Papers by their authors. On the contrary they state:
"Reason is the proof of science, faith the proof of religion, logic the proof of philosophy, but revelation is validated only by human experience." (1106)
It follows that the validity of all revelation must be a personal judgment, one that can only be validated through the experience of the individual--and as an act of personal faith. This is an essential requirement if the choosing of God's will in our daily lives is to be a truly freewill choice. Divinely promulgated orders, rules, or regulations that carry a penalty for disobedience or rejection are incompatible with true freewill choice. For Jesus, faith is the only key that opens the door of the "kingdom": "But for you, my children, and for all others who would follow you into this kingdom, there is set a severe test. Faith alone will pass you through its portals, but you must bring forth the fruits of my Father's spirit if you would continue to ascend in the progressive life of the divine fellowship." (1569)