The Internet has opened up new opportunities to Urantia Book readers with the necessary talents. There can be little doubt that Christians  are open to a positive message about a loving and caring God who indwells all of his earthly children. But any condemnation of doctrines such as the atonement is likely to cause the door to shut tight.

   If there was a way for The Urantia Book to get into the churches via the front door it would have happened by now. To make an inroad, it is the positive messages on the indwelling of the spirit of God, the concept of God as our loving Father, and the consequent relationship of ourselves as brothers and sisters in the universal family of God that have potential to make a difference.

   The very mention of Urantia Book and revelation will, in almost all cases, be counter-productive. Remember always that Jesus said: "You are not to attack the old ways...Let the Spirit of Truth do his own work...Love one another...Do not strive with men, even with unbelievers...Be as wise as serpents and as harmless as doves." 

   The potential of the message of the Papers to influence Christianity via process theology is indirect. Most of those who are interested are academic types. If they can be made aware that the Urantia Papers have many parallels with process theology and, in some cases are truly enlightening, then over the course of time there can be a flow-on through theological colleges and eventually to church congregations. Slow maybe--but we are instructed that slow evolution is far preferable to disruptive revolution.

    An article on some of the parallels between process theology and the Urantia Papers follows.


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