about spiritual progress through knowledge of the indwelling spirit of God, and the universality of God's family on Earth.
Among Urantia Book readers there are many with the necessary ability to participate in this task. The major obstacle is promotional--how to get the message out to people. A starting point might be a web site with many short presentations in various languages and at various levels and utilizing all useful means of communication that are found to be successful. But such a site will fail if its purpose becomes to get people to read The Urantia Book.
The Papers inform us that our real mission to the world is in the way we live our lives--and give us Jesus' life as our example. Simply making books available, though necessary, has little to do with the way we live. Much, much more is asked of us.
Given devotion and effort, many people could be made aware of key universal principles such as are suggested herein. At least it is a task that accords with the real mission set for us.