The accounts of this and the long period ensuing until formation of the group called the Forum in 1925 are scanty and confusing. However it appears that despite the many intelligent and informative exchanges with all manner of "visitors" that occurred over these years, Sadler clung rigidly to his belief that he was observing a natural phenomenon originating completely from within the mind of his patient--though he does admit that their religious views were changed unconsciously but remarkably by these night time vigils over this long period.

   The catalyst for the formation of the Forum appears to have been a test devised by Sadler who memorized fifty two questions (Sadler had one of those remarkable 'photographic' memories) that he intended to use to challenge the "voice" to read his mind. He was forestalled in doing this when the "voice" stated it was authorized to answer forty six of them. The reality of this event had the support of his wife Lena who was there when it is said to have happened.1 Shortly after this, the incident mentioned in the previous article occurred--the one that gave rise to the determination of the Forum group to "ask questions that no human being could answer 2."

   If we make the assumption that all of this is truth rather than fiction, the "celestials" had now succeeded in creating a nucleus to build upon for the next stage. However they had a real problem on their hands. Their update of the orthodox authoritative Christian version of Jesus' revelation, and its meaning, conflicted strongly with the spiritual view of the religion of Jesus that they wished to deliver.

   Again granting their superhuman status, they would be likely to know that many attempts had been made in the theological institutions in the USA that trains the ministry to similarly modify Christian dogma. Over many years, such teaching had made little or no headway with Christian congregations. Even with those Christians who considered themselves liberal rather than fundamentalist, most still clung tenaciously to the authority of the Bible as if it were of divine origin. Few recruits to a new religion of the spirit would be likely to be found among practicing Christians.

   Their solution to this problem included that for nigh on ten years, Jesus scarcely received a mention. This becomes obvious if we read Parts 1, 2, and 3. Over a ten year period they concentrated upon building a new and complex image of Deity that had at its center a Universal Father whose goodness, love, and mercy as our Father transcends his righteousness as our judge. This was a God whose spirit indwells each mortal being to establish a personal and individual relationship. It was also a God who loved all mankind unconditionally. The "celestials" taught these people a religion of the spirit, one in which no person could impose God's authority upon another, and belief automatically called forth the yielding of the fruit of the spirit in the lives of the believers.

   With some of the Forum members, the "celestials" succeeded. At least they succeeded enough to generate the dedication and enthusiasm that would see their task completed. Upon which they gave them the real revelation, Part 4, the Life of Jesus--and then departed. It could be that the oft-quoted words, "Now you are on your own" belong here rather than later.  In this scenario, that incident occurred in 1935. All further contact with these superhuman beings then ceased and was never reestablished.

   Continuing on with this scenario, the immediate result of the "you are on your own" decree was misunderstanding followed by confusion, uncertainty, and procrastination. What was either misunderstood or re-interpreted was that the "Life of Jesus" was the whole of the revelation. This was the only part they were required to print, publish, and distribute. But for ten years, this group of people had only possessed the content of Parts 1, 2, and 3. That was what they knew and cherished. It was what made them different from everybody else. It was what made them believe they were special, selected, chosen and unique. To now switch their loyalties and share their Jesus story with a billion Christians was not an attractive thought.

   The pre-Forum group, the Sadlers and a few close associates that had become known as the "Contact Commission" were, in effect, an executive committee. If at first they had understood that the "Life of Jesus" was the real revelation, doubts soon entered their minds. They also realized they had no hope of maintaining the enthusiasm of the Forum group if they went ahead to publish Part 4 only.

   Exactly when the decision was made to publish all of the Papers in single book form is unknown. Eventually Dr. Lena Sadler took control and commenced collecting the money needed for publication. As well, she arranged for the Papers to be organized into a form suitable for submission to a publisher to prepare a galley proof. But then, in 1939, she died. And the European war commenced.

   The long illness and subsequent death of his wife from breast cancer took a very severe toll

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