The Personality of the Universal Father

  • The Universal Father is truly a personality, notwithstanding that the infinity of his person places him forever beyond the full comrehension of finite beings.
  • God is much more than the highest human conception of personality. He cannot be less than eternal, infinite, true, beautiful, and good.
  • The immensity and grandeur of the divine personality is beyond the grasp of the unperfected mind of mortal man. Man must know God through his creations and through the revelations of his Sons.
  • God is personality. Without him there would be no personality.
  • As a personality, God can be known, love and be loved.
  • Doubt not the personality primacy of God and that he maintains personal connection with the countless hosts of his creation.
  • Personality is not simply an attribute of God. It is the totality of God's coordinated infinite nature and the unified divine will, the revelation of God to the universes.
  • The absolute perfection of God would cause him to suffer the awful limitations of unqualified finality of perfectness were it not for the fact that he participates directly in the struggles of his evolutionary creatures towards perfection.

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