The Urantia Book Fellowship

Memo from William Hales
Opposing Multi-Media History Project

May 29, 1981


DATE: May 29, 1981

TO: John Hales, President of Urantia Brotherhood, Members of the Executive Committee, Thomas A. Kendall, President, Urantia Foundation, Members of the Board of Trustees and Administrative Assistants

FROM: William M. Hales, General Councilor, Urantia Brotherhood

RE: Memo to William M. Hales, General Councilor, Urantia Brotherhood from Barbara Kulieke, Chairman, Publications Committee, Urantia Brotherhood

Subject: Slide Tape Presentation, "A History of the Urantia
Movement" dated April 11, 1981

The above memo of the Chairman of the Publications Committee in response to my memo of November 18, 1980, on the same subject, has been read with interest and understanding of the views expressed. It is appreciated as well as is the copy of the narrative of "A History of the Urantia Movement" attached to it.

Since it has been over six months since your receiving my November 18, memo, I would like to repeat, for purpose of emphasis, the main and important thrust of my viewpoint adverse to having a "History" as expressed in it for your deliberative consideration.

Quoting from the Declaration of Trust:

"Whereas, certain persons, hereinafter referred to as the 'Contributors' being desirous that a foundation be created for the objects herein expressed to be known as 'Urantia FOUNDATION,' have contributed certain funds to that end, and said funds have been expended forthe production of said plates for the printing and reproduction of THE Urantia BOOK; and

"Whereas, the Contributors, being desirous that their identity remain unknown in order that the creation of such foundation shall have no limitations by reason of its association with their names, coincident with the execution of this Declaration of Trust..."

Comment: It can well be assumed that people identified in the "History" were also contributors and that the word "creation" connotes more than just the act of creating it, but extends by implication to the on-going successful functioning of the Foundation.

Quoting from:

Constitution of The Urantia Brotherhood
Article I; NAME:

The name of this Fellowship shall be Urantia BROTHERHOOD

The purposes of Urantia BROTHERHOOD are the study and disemination of the teachings of The Urantia Book..."

In the first memo of the President of the Urantia Brotherhood presented to the May 5, 1955 Executive Committee meeting are the statements:

"We as individuals and as a group are concerned only with the teachings of the book."

"We can greatly lessen our persecution and ridicule by a reasonable exercise of foresight and wisdom."

"Our troubles will be greatly lessened if we avoid all discussion of the origin of the book."

"We should be determined to know but one thing -- the soul-surviving message of the book."

Although this was stated in reference to avoiding all discussion of the origin of the Book, it can well apply to avoiding the creation of a "History" of teh movement. The dust jacket lists the major references "Concerning the Nature, Origin and Organization of The Urantia Book" in the book.

Quoting from the President's Triennial Report (1955-1957): "The Urantia Brotherhood is a Means to the End. Neither is the Urantia Brotherhood, nor membership in it, a true End. The real function of the Brotherhood is also the function of a Means to accomplish a desired End. The structure of the Brotherhood is to the spiritual experiences of its members as the river banks are to a river; it is true that no river can be had without its banks -- but neither should the banks be confused with the flowing river. The Brotherhood is designed to promote the Book and the Book is designed to bring God and man closer to each other.

"If we can clearly separate Means and Ends, if we can always subordinate Means to the true End, then we shall continue for a long time as a real Brotherhood. And we shall avoid becoming merely another church or another sect in the world of the twentieth century -- a world which needs neither a new church nor a new sect."

From my November 18, memo:

"In regard to the sentence in the last quotation: 'The Brotherhood is designed to promote the Book and the Book is designed to bring God and man closer to each other.'

"Shouldn't all of our energy, both as individuals and a group, as time goes on be concentrated on the present and the future, exclusively for the dissemination of the teachings of The Urantia Book?

"Shouldn't all our monetary resources also be so dedicated?

"Does a 'History' contribute to the dissemination of the teachings of The Urantia Book, the Fifth Epochal Revelation?

"There will never be enough funds to do, for these ends, what could be done.

"Wouldn't more and more manpower and more and more money be expensed to keep a 'History' up-to-date, as well as to show it to many societies and conferences at far distant geographical locations; travel expense, cost of duplicate copies, storage space required, etc? Wouldn't this be a diversion of effort and expense?"

To repeat: Shouldn't the top priority for use of all funds always be to use them wisely for the ever current, on-going and future needs for the dissemination of the teachings of the Fifth Epochal Revelation? Isn't that our primary task?

My experience serving on many non-profit organization boards over the years has taught me how hard it is to cut and/or eliminate expenses which have become entrenched over a period of time, and such expenses continue to grow at the sacrifice of funds being directed for the higher priority needs.

The possibility and probability that a "History" is popularly desired and enthusiastically received is not based on a full consideration as to the wisdom of having one.

As members of the Executive Committee, you are looked upon to exercise a special type of mature wisdom and statesmanship in representing the membership of the Urantia Brotherhood. Human institutions, governments local and national, school boards and churches are in trouble today partly because those who were in, and are in decision-making positions, have a tendency to err in making decisions for short-term results at the expense of long-term goals.

To summarize:

1. Defensively, avoid providing opportunity for targets to be used in "persecution" and "ridicule'" of the URANITIA Movement., as envisioned by its early leaders.

"The leader of the Forum warned all of the potential and of the eventual attacks which would be made against The Urantia Book and the Urantia Brotherhood and movement by those religions which felt their power threatened, i.e., the Catholic church and others. If there is no official history, any other unofficial one can be ignored and disowned." (WMH 11/18/80)

2. Offensively, shepherd and direct all funds and personal and personnel energy for the current, on-going and future basic programs and efforts in the dissemination of the teachings of the Fifth Epochal Revelation.

Hopefully this memo will be helpful to you in your dedication to arrive
at a wise decision in this matter.

William M. Hales
General Councilor
Urantia Brotherhood
