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Center of Study and Reflection on Human Destiny
Study Group of the Urantia Book
3 Bis Grande Rue
Tel: 64 31 02 21 Fax: 48 05 37 70


On January 3rd, Henry Begemann left our planet. Many are we well to feel an aching void in our heart as well as in our activities for the movement.

Henry has had a leading part in the unfolding of our movement in France. He has been at the origin of many of our important trends, among which are the following:

During the Summer of 1978, on a visit to Paris, Henry got three of us to meet and asked them to produce a periodical, in order to establish a link between readers, a link which would be a means of studying the Urantia Book in common; and thus, was "LA LETTRE" born in 1978.

At about the same time a decision was taken to found the C.E.R.D.H. so as to gather together the French readers in a sort of society, which could in association with Henry, face up to the various issues at hand.

In February 1979, some readers from Paris asked Henry to lead a study group on the 17 pages of the Foreword. And from February 1979 till May 1980, Henry came specially from Holland to lead fifteen study sessions on these 17 pages.

This in-depth research has been most enriching and allowed us to discover some of those profound realities which can only be revealed through such study meditation groups.

In August 1982, while he was a Field Representative (for Europe) of the Urantia Brotherhood of Chicago, Henry decided to have corrections made to the French translation of Jacques Weiss. That's why he put in touch, three readers who did not know each other, a bilingual person from Brussels, an English teacher from Avignon and a third person from Paris. Henry got the team into its translating strides and worked with them for a year. Started in August 1982, this correction came to an end in July 1989. Printing now depends on the Foundation.

In 1985, Henry presented "SPRING-TIME", a study of the future which was published in "LA LETTRE" No 8, Summer 1985. It is an exegesis of the Urantia Book showing the reason why this Book has been given to us now. This study presents the possible future of mankind as founded on the responsibility as "stewards of truth" of every reader who becomes aware of this Book being a Major Epochal Revelation.

For Holland, Henry has translated into Dutch the greater part of the Urantia Book. This tremendous enterprise will be continued and brought to a successful conclusion by the members of His team.

In Holland, Henry has started and led six study groups; and members of those groups have already started groups by themselves, so now, nine study groups are at work, two of them in Belgium.

In, and for his days, Henry will have been a beacon light showing the way to be followed, and presenting the Urantia Book as a Book for action.