Series Table of Contents
A Study of Selected Discourses of Jesus
by Ruth Burton
VI. Other Sermons of Jesus
A. The Last Temple Discourse 1905 (The funeral
sermon for the Judaism of that day.)
- Time and place: 2:00 pm, Tuesday, April 4, in the Temple court.
- Preceding events:
- Sunday, the Triumphal Entry. 1880.Sec.3
- Monday, Cleansing the Temple. 1888
- Tuesday forenoon, answering accusing rabbis. 189o9.Sec.2; 1901.Sec.4
- Farewell address of mercy along with denunciation of bigoted rulers.
"My father has long dealt in mercy with this people...This nation
was called to become the light of the world...the standard bearers of eternal
truth." "I am offering you your last chance to repent,...to enter
the kingdom." 1906.1,3 "Obey these elders in Israel in essentials
of law,...but not their evil works." "Woe upon you, hypocrites,...false
teachers,...blind guides!" 1907, 1908 "Your house is left to
you desolate!" 1908.l
B. The Destruction of Jerusalem and the
Second Coming
- Time and place: Tuesday evening on Mt. Olivet. April 4
- In answer to questions of Nathaniel and Andrew: 1913.1,4 "In these
days of travail, even your own kinfolk...will deliver you up to prison
and death....when you see the Roman armies,...you must flee to the mountains."
In reply to Peter: 1951.1 "When I return it will be with power and
in the spirit. Only the eye of the spirit will behold the Son glorified,
appearing in his own name." In ringing words to Thomas: 1916.2; "What
does it matter to you who believe this gospel...if nations overturn, the
age ends, or all things visible crash. since you know that your life is
the gift of the Son, and that it is eternally secure in the Father?"
C. Sonship and Citizenship. 1929.Sec.1
- Time and place: Thursday forenoon, April 6, high in Gethsemane Park,
above camp.
- Excerpts from the Master's discussion to fifty trusted followers: 1929.nl
Employing physical force...to maintain order. Cf. 1475.l 1950.2 "sonship
in the kingdom, from the standpoint of advancing civilization should assist
you...to become ideal citizens...to destroy the hate urge." 1930.5
"By discretion,...iron out minor disagreements." 1931.1 "Be
faithful even in times of peace and prosperity. Temp not the angels to
lead you in troublous ways, as loving discipline to save ease-drifting
souls. 1932.1 "In each generation this gospel must show increasing
vitality...must not become a sacred memory or mere tradition about me."
D. Teachings About the Spirit of Truth
- Time and Place: At the last supper, Thursday evening
- 1948.3 "I will pour out the Spirit of Turth upon all flesh...I
will be with you and all other men who desire me, at the same time."
- 1949.1 "...just like me, except for this material body."
- 1949.3 "In this way the Son of Man will become a spiritualincarnation
in the souls of all true believers."
- 1954.4f The peace of Jesus Cf.
- 2060.nl "Each new generation to restate the Jesus message so that
every new group of mortals...shall have a new and up-to-date version of
the gospel."
- 1103.4 "Today, as in Galilee..."
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