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The Theology of The Urantia Book
by Ruth Burton
A Study of God as Infinite
- A. Introduction: Why begin the study of Deity with the philosophic
concept of infinity, rather than consider only the religious concept of
a personal Creator-God?
- 1. Modern thought approaches the idea of basic reality from the viewpoint
of an all-inclusive cosmos.
- (43.4) The religious challenge.....
- (11146.4) Mortal man is passing....
- (1153.6) Infinity is indeed remote....
- (2081.3) At the time of this revelation
- 2. The Urantia Book presents the central and all-important concept
of a personal God in the framework of infinity, and consistently seeks
to adapt the philosophic premise of infinity, as clearly as possible, to
our limited finite minds in admittedly inadequate language-symbols.
- (1.1); (6.4); (59.4); (157.2b)
- (1152.3b) Nevertheless, we may attempt.....
- (1157.2b) The relationships of absolutes...involving paradoxes.....
- 3. Even partial comprehension is worthwhile; and, moreover, we mortals
have spiritual help.
- (17.2b) ...But we know that there dwells within the human mind.....
- ( Finite appreciation
- (1162.l) Man's terrestrial orientation enhanced
- 4. How did Jesus teach Deity? Why, in this way?
- (1856.2-1857.4)
- (1053.No.5)
- B. The I AM, the primordial unity of infinity. See Paper 105
- 1. In references below, note the following main ideas:
- The concept of the I AM is a philosophic concession to finite mind.
- Volition and personality are inherent in the I AM.
- Differentiations within the I AM are produced by the freewill volition
and personality of the Universal Father.
- The I AM achieved Deity liberation from the fetters of unqualified
infinity by that free will which produced the first absolute divinity tension.
- The I AM achieves personality by becoming the Eternal Father of the
Original Son and the Eternal Source of Paradise. [F:3.3]
- The I AM concept is a philosophic concession to the time-bound space-fettered
finite mind of man. [F:3.4]
- Absolute causation resides in the Universal Father functioning as the
I AM. [105:1.1]
- The concept of the I AM connotes unqualified infinity--the source of
all reality. [105:1.3]
- The existential concept of the I AM is without qualification--except
to state that the I AM is. [105:1.2]
- The I AM concept functions at the past-eternity moment prior to the
differentiationof all reality. [105:1.3]
- The portrayal of the origins of reality demands a moment of first volitional
expression--the differentiation of the Infinite One from Infinitude. [105:2.2]
- 2. Note briefly the subject matter of these references on the sevenfold
nature of the I Am and the seven Absolutes. Detailed study of the Absolutes
will be deferred to a later unit.
- C. The First Source and Center, the activating unity of infinity.
- 1. The First Source and Center is primal, unqualifiedly, and controls
total reality through inherent volition and personality.
- The God of the First Source and Center is primal, infinite, and eternal--limited
only by volition.[F:3.8]
- The Universal Father is the infinite personality of the First Source
and Center. [F:3.9]
- The First Source and Center transcends all matter, mind, and spirit.
- The divine potential is never diminished by the limitless endowment
of the universe of universes. [3:4.2]
- Finite actualities are derived from the First Source and Center by
means of self-existent free will. [105:5.4]
- Creative actuality begins with the finite and consists of Havona primary
maximums and superuniverse secondary maximums. [105:5.6-8]
- 2. The relation of the First Source and Center to the universe is both
direct (gravity and Adjusters) and indirect, through the Absolutes and
various entities and beings to whom power has been delegated.
- The God of the First Source and Center exercises cosmic overcontrol
by absolute Paradise gravity. [1:2.9]
- The multiform inter-relations of God do not preclude direct Thought
Adjuster relations with his creatures. [1:2.9]
- ( - 59.3 111. last.)
Ruth Burton MTR 12/8/65 1/24/66
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