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Courage and the Urantia Book
by Jo Ann Eichmann

Given at the First Western Urantia Conference
July 1, 1973

One of the most impassioned addresses Jesus ever delivered to the twelve apostles was in response to a question raised by Phillip. It dealt with the subject of courage, and I think Jesus' reply applies in many ways to us.

On page 1609:1 we are told, "Seldom did the Master speak to his apostles with evident strong feeling, but this was one of those few occasions when he spoke with manifest earnestness, accompanied by marked emotion."

In the first paragraph of the introduction of his address which is restated on page 1608 he says, "No matter what blunders your fellow men make in their world management of today, in an age to come, the gospel which I declare to you will rule this very world. The ultimate goal of human progress is the reverent recognition of the Fatherhood of God and the loving materialization of the brotherhood of man." He goes on to proclaim, "No armies of the world have ever displayed more courage and bravery than will be portrayed by you and your loyal successors who shall go forth to all the world proclaiming the good news -- the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. The courage of the flesh is the lowest form of bravery. Mind bravery is a higher type of human courage, but the highest and supreme, is uncompromising loyalty to the enlightened convictions of profound spiritual realities."

In a way, I have felt it would be relatively easy to die for high spiritual ideals. My immediate question has always been, "How well am I living to show forth these truths?"

I am growing to realize that wherever we are, whatever we are doing on this planet, whole chunks of our daily life situation may not be perfect. And so our attitude must become more attuned to the spark of God within us. As we know, one cannot attempt to change the whole world without first changing oneself. We can do a great deal for our world but how large a part depends upon what we've first done with ourselves.

How often have we, as representatives of the First Urantians, heard someone say, "The Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man is a beautiful ideal, but it will never work on this planet." But Jesus told his apostles who were encountering the same question, they were: "The first volunteers of a long line of sincere believers in the gospel of this kingdom who will astonish all mankind by their heroic devotion to these teachings." And we -- if we will --can be part of that long line of believers.

In the words of the Master, "The Paradise ascent is the supreme adventure of all time, the rugged achievement of eternity. The service of the kingdom on earth will call for all the courageous manhood that you and your co-workers can muster." (1608:3)

So increasingly let us recognize the eternal and true values upon which to build our foundations -- aware of the privilege and proportional responsibility placed without our jurisdiction. We need both the wisdom and the willingness to strive in the face of all adversities. And since the Father knows our needs even before we ask Him, let us instead take the opportunity to thank Him, praise Him for all the blessings we creatures of time and space enjoy -- in particular for times such as these -- brimming with promise.

I am hopeful in the face of immensity that we will persevere. We will elevate the spiritual consciousness of this planet and we will go on to serve for an eternity of ceaseless service. And with unshakable faith, impenetrable strength, and unquenchable stamina we will enhance the Supreme, illuminate the impoverished souls of the world's evolutionary destiny and triumph forever upon the battlefields of iniquity and unrighteousness.

We are joining forces with the legions and battalions on high. We are coming to know we are never alone -- even when all seems as dark as a starless midnight and we are sailing the seas of an ocean sky with strangers -- almost without a home or belongings -- toward a destination that is uncertain. Spiritually there is no such being as a stranger and no such state as homeless. And all one ever owns is one's spiritual experience!

I have known persons within and without this movement that have enriched me with a common understanding far beyond the scope of my expression. Again on page 1608 Jesus says, "Love is the greatest of all spirit realities." If only we could pour such love upon the barren, droughted wastelands in sad men's lives!

A worthy goal always ultimately succeeds. So bravely let us face the glorious future. We have a world to enlighten and a dream to fulfill -- together. And with love and gentleness, patience and fortitude, our hands resting with God -- we WILL succeed!

A Service of
The Urantia Book Fellowship