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Basic Outreach Principles
Exemplified in Epochal Revelations

Meredith J. Sprunger
4/24/76 Revised 2/23/83

Highlights of the Outreach Ministry of the Planetary Prince
Specific Outreach Methodology of the Planetary Prince
Broad Generalizations
Highlights of the Outreach Ministry of Adam and Eve
Specific Outreach Methodology of Adam and Eve
Highlights of the Outreach Ministry of Machiventa Melchizedek
Specific Outreach Methodology of Machiventa Melchizedek
Highlights of the Outreach Ministry of Jesus
Cardinal Features of his Teaching
Specific Outreach Methodology of Jesus
Basic Outreach Principles
Specific Outreach Methodology of The Urantia Book
Key Evolutionary Outreach Channels Open to us Today

Highlights of the Outreach Ministry of the Planetary Prince of Urantia

Caligastia arrived 500,000 years after human will appeared, concurrent with the appearance of the six Sangik races. Half billion people on the planet. Caligastia applied early for a commission as Planetary Prince and had been turned down a number of times. He was well prepared and had a brilliant and original mind. His prospects looked excellent. The prince's corporeal staff were composed of 100 ascendant citizen volunteers from Jerusem. Each had come from a different planet. Dalamatia, the planetary headquarters, was a beautiful but simple city with a forty foot wall.

Ten autonomous councils were formed. (Related to the basic institutions of society)

They worked slowly to up-step planetary life using evolutionary methods. They attracted the best minds, trained these people and sent them back as emissaries to their people. They did not impose the habits and mores of one tribe on another but patiently worked to uplift and advance the time-tried mores of each tribe. Family life was encouraged by the example of the prince's staff forming fifty pattern homes where adopted children were raised and educated.

Children were trained for three years (13-15), became eligible for marriage and were sent back to their respective tribes and races. Hap presented the seven commandments known as "The Father's Way."

Animal husbandry and the cultivation of the soil were encouraged. The planet progressed normally for 300,000 years. Lucifer made his "Declaration of Liberty" and Caligastia was proclaimed "God of Urantia and supreme over all." Liberty was prematurely taught and soon hordes of semi-savage people stormed Dalamatia and drove Caligastia's staff out. Caligastia's new scheme ended in failure; in 50,000 years the planet was back to the place where it was when the prince arrived.

Specific Outreach Methodology of the Planetary Prince

Broad Generalizations

The first two epochal revelations (Planetary Prince & Adam and Eve) had a broad base approach designed to develop the social institutions of the planet.

The next two revelations (Machiventa Melchizedek & Jesus) stressed individuals and religious institutions (brotherhood) and promoted the greatest missionary activity in the history of the world.

The Urantia Book speaks to all of these institutions and methods. It gives special attention to enlarging universe cosmology, the religion of Jesus, and upstepping the contemporary brotherhood of Jesus in religious institutions and in our general society. It leaves specific outreach plans, methods, and strategies in the hands of human wisdom. Outreach ministry is one of the greatest responsibilities facing our generation.

Are there noble souls today who will match the heroism and selflessness of those courageous missionaries sent forth by Machiventa and Jesus who transformed individuals and greatly modified life on our world? The future of Urantia depends on our response to this challenge!

Highlights of the Outreach Ministry of Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve arrived 37,848 years prior to 1934 at the time of the second judgment roll call and the beginning of the third planetary epoch. They had not fully realized the difficulties they would face on this isolated planet; they were serious and disillusioned.

Repeatedly they were reminded that planetary advancement must be in harmony with the divine plan of progression. They refused worship by the natives. Women as well as men were selected to serve in positions of importance. They promoted the gradual extension of the Edenic civilization. Arts of manufacture were fostered and trade relations were developed. Adam tried to establish world government. He found the people were not ready for representative government. He faced the problem of unbridled personal liberty. Ambassadors were sent from one tribe to another. Schools of the Garden trained both intellectually and socially.

The laws of the Garden were based on the older codes of Dalamatia:

Default came after 117 years.

They became impatient with the original plans; they were not willing to settle down to the long, long endurance test. Obstacles seemed unsolvable. Adam spent most of his time in the second garden teaching his children in civil administration, educational methods, and religious devotions. An attempt was made at racial improvement. People make civilization; civilization does not make people.

Specific Outreach Methodology of Adam and Eve

 Highlights in the Outreach Ministry of Machiventa Melchizedek

The Melchizedek Commission appealed to the Most Highs and to Father Melchizedek for help but were instructed to use their own judgment.

Machiventa volunteered to personalize on earth as a man of the realm; this technique has been used only six times in the history of Nebadon.

Permission was granted by Salvington and Machiventa appeared to Amdon, a Chaldean herder, as "Melchizedek, priest of El Elyon, the Most High, the one and only God" 1973 years before the birth of Jesus.,

Machiventa gathered a group of pupils and believers; he became known as the sage of Salem (Jerusalem).

The doctrine of one God was emphasized. Most Salem students were taught that Edentia was heaven and the Most High was God. Machiventa taught advanced truth to a few.

Machiventa organized the Melchizedek church; all joining subscribed to the following:

The seven commandments of Melchizedek were:

Abraham was selected as the leader to keep the idea of one God alive.

Machiventa maintained peaceful relations with surrounding tribes and tried to persuade Abraham to abandon material conquest for the spiritual concept of the kingdom of heaven. Abraham had 100,000 tithe payers contributing to the Melchizedek brotherhood. Machiventa trained missionaries and sent them out into the world. They were instructed not to reform morals or change habits as a primary function. They took a vow not to organize congregations for worship or to function as a priest.

Mary were beginning to regard him as a demigod; after ninety-four years Machiventa decided to terminate his mission. Within 500 years many regarded the story of his life as a myth.

Specific Outreach Methodology of Machiventa Melchizedek

Highlights of the Outreach Ministry of Jesus

Jesus assumed the responsibilities of his family and became acquainted with many people and occupations. He studied human culture and world religions.

He engaged in personal work in his travels. Often he would ask people for help and thereby opened an opportunity to minister to them.. Showed interest in youth but did not give advice unless asked.

Gave the Urmia lectures.

Submitted to the baptism of John identifying with the sincere and genuine people of his day.

Planned his public work following the Father's will. He decided to live a normal existence, obey natural laws, and make no compromise with evil.

Chose ordinary men as apostles; trained, organized, and ordained them. Required experience in personal work before allowing them to do public preaching.

Began public work as an evolutionary teacher, referring to himself as the "Son of Man."

He taught in the synagogues of his society and attempted to work within the institutions of his society until this channel was closed to him.

He conducted his ministry primarily among his own people.

He related to all people and advocated adding constructive truths to their lives and let these truths displace what was inferior.

Sent workers out in pairs. Trained evangelists - both men and women. Advocated ministering to the sick.

Taught by personal contact using question and answer techniques and parables.

Cardinal features of his teaching:

Warned against using rigid creeds and dogmas and emphasizing tradition.

Rejected the attempt to make him king; continually emphasized the spiritual kingdom of the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man.

He sought to escape unnecessary confrontation but faced opposition fearlessly.

Accepted his followers insistence in viewing him as a special "Son of God." Reinforced this insight through the transfiguration and made authoritative. pronouncements. Confronted authorities when all other approaches failed. Challenged the sincerity of their position by giving them a "miraculous sign" in raising Lazarus.

Inaugurated the symbolic message of the Last Supper.

Gave his apostles and disciples the responsibility of spreading the gospel of the kingdom throughout the world.

Bestowed upon mankind the Spirit of Truth.

Specific Outreach Methodology of Jesus

1. Had specific instructions of procedure from Immanuel.
2. Attempted to become thoroughly acquainted with the people he came to serve.
3. Engaged in personal work to individuals. Often asked for help and thereby opened an opportunity to minister.
4. Showed a great interest in youth but did not give advice unless asked.
5. Gave lectures at Urmia.
6. Identified with the sincere people of his day in submitting to the baptism of John.
7. Planned his public ministry following the Father's will. He would live a normal life and not compromise with evil.
8. Selected ordinary men as apostles; trained, organized, and ordained them.
9. Required the apostles to do personal work before permitting them to engage in public preaching.
10. Began public work as a prophetic, evolutionary teacher, referring to himself as the "Son of Man."
11. Taught in the synagogues and worked within the religious framework of society until this channel was closed to him.
12. Conducted his ministry primarily among his own people.
13. Related to all people trying to give them higher truths and letting these truths displace that which was inferior.
14. Sent apostles and evangelists out in pairs using both men and women.
15. Advocated ministering to the sick and relating to the whole person.
16. Taught by personal contact using question and answer techniques and parables.
17. Warned against using rigid creeds and dogmas.
18. Rejected the attempt to make him king and emphasized the spiritual kingdom of the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man.
19. Sought to escape unnecessary confrontation.
20. Accepted his followers insistence in viewing him as a special "Son of God" and reinforced this insight through the transfiguration and made authoritative pronouncements.
21. Confronted authorities when all other approaches failed.
22. Challenged the sincerity of Jewish authorities by giving them an often demanded "miraculous sign" in the raising of Lazarus.
23. Initiated the symbolic message of the Last Supper.
24. Gave his apostles and disciples the responsibility of spreading the gospel of the kingdom throughout the world.
25. Bestowed on mankind the Spirit of Truth.

Basic Outreach Principles
(Derived from the methodology used in the five epochal revelations)

Specific Outreach Methodology of The Urantia Book

When the revelators were asked for guidance in outreach ministry involving The Urantia Book they refused to give specific instructions but advised that we study Jesus' plan of outreach ministry and be guided by his example. The book emphasizes the importance of service and outreach: "If you are not a positive and missionary evangel of your religion, you are self-deceived in that what you call religion is only a traditional belief or a mere system of intellectual philosophy." (1780) One could cite many similar quotes. The underlying philosophy of The Urantia Book toward all human living and action is that we must use our own wisdom as it is guided by the will of God. Outreach ministry, in the final analysis, rests on your decisions and actions.

Key Evolutionary Outreach Channels Open to us Today

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