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Some Considerations Related to the Third Universe Age
Transcript of a tape recording of Bill Sadler at a study group

Come with me, now, and let's--we took a good look at the third universe age, the age of the first outer space level. Let's consider what lies in the remaining outer space levels.

I think it's futile to try to separate them. But let's consider continuing growth as we proceed from the bedroom into the cubic block, the cubic city, and the moon.

I would make this first observation: These outer space levels are not going to differ radically from each other, as the superuniverses differ radically from Havona, and as the completed Master Universe differs radically from the outer space levels. I think they represent enormous expansion.

Let's consider what kind of expansion.

First of all, I would suggest that the collaboration between the Spirit and the Supreme Being will continue. I think that sets the tone for all four of the outer space levels. As it was Father-Son in Havona, as it is Son-Spirit out here, it is Spirit-Supreme out there.

And that doesn't mean that the Father and the Son are inactive. The Universal Father is functioning right out here now. But not as a Creator. He's a bestower of personality. He is a bestower of Thought Adjusters. He's a bestower of love.

But he's delegated. He's not a selfish God, is he? As soon as someone can do the job, he lets them have at it, have fun with it. And don't you stop and think, if he didn't do that, there wouldn't be a job for any of us. There is no job that the Father couldn't do better, or as well.

I think there will be a continuation of Son-Spirit collaboration, with a further differentiation of the Michaels from space level to space level, from universe age to universe age, with a further differentiation of the Creative Spirits, with a further differentiation of their trinitized offspring--the third unknown member.

I would submit number three: There will be a further growth in trinity collaboration. To wit: the Paradise Trinity of Father, Son, and Spirit collaborating with the First Experiential Trinity, composed of the Supreme Creators, the Architects of the Master Universe, and the Supreme Being. This trinity is known as the Trinity Ultimate. And its final function and final success will contribute to the appearance of God the Ultimate. I've debated: why are there four outer space levels? Why not two, why not ten? There are four. Audience: I know, but it just seems as if there ought to be three. But there aren't. There are four. Audience: Or seven. We don't know. Or seven. Yes. We don't know. Or maybe this will be a little clearer later on. Yes? Audience: Doesn't this make seven altogether going out from the beginning? No, not unless you count Paradise, and they say not to count it. It's not in space. There are six space levels. There are--well, the Architects of the Master Universe are in seven levels, but number one has to do with Paradise. On page 333, paragraph one, it states, in part, Eventuated Transcendental Beings, quote, "are existent on four ultimate levels of personality activity." Is this why there are four outer space levels? And these four levels of Ultimacy should not be confused with what they elsewhere refer to as the seven levels of the absonite. Consider also, what does this exponential factor of seven mean? Of the seven times ten combinations. The Architects of the outer space level are all expressive in seven times ten. Seven to the first power, in the first level. Seven to the second power, in the second level. The third, and the fourth power. I get a queer feeling about this. I have difficulty putting it in words. But I put it this way: Does this exponential expansion--first, second, third, and fourth powers of seven--signify not only a quantitative increase, but also a qualitative penetration of the whole transcendental level? This hypothesis advances the thought that the post-Supreme ages represent some kind of an exponential, expanding march through Ultimacy. The transcendental level really exhausts Ultimacy. The best illustration I know of that is something--I wonder how symbolic this story is. When you add up all these Architects, the sum total is "28,011 universe planners." I'm reading on page 352, paragraph three. 28,011. "On Paradise there is a tradition that far back in eternity there was attempted the eventuation of the 28,012th Master Architect,"-- one more--"but that this being failed to absonitize, experiencing personality seizure by the Universal Absolute."

I think this story is highly symbolic, you know? We are now translating common stock into Bantu.

"It is possible that the ascending series of the Master Architects attained the limit of absonity in the 28,011th Architect, and that the 28,012th attempt encountered the mathematical level of the presence of the presence of the Absolute. In other words, at the 28,012th eventuation level the quality of absonity equivalated to the level of the Universal and attained the value of the Absolute."

He woke up on the third floor. They don't want them up there. In other words, at the 28,011th level, you're tight against the ceiling of the second floor. Here's what this means to me--that when these Architects have expressed all that God planned in them, you have completed the transcendental level of growth. Anything beyond that is post-Absonite, supertranscendental.

(Break in tape)

I say first of all, this is a triumph of the First Experiential Trinity. They've been slugging it out on all post-Supreme levels.

The Paradise Trinity could have done the whole job in the beginning, couldn't they?

But if they had done this, they would have produced an existential Master Universe. What we will wind up with is an experiential Master Universe. There'd be no room for us in an existential Master Universe.

Neither would Havona natives ever have had a chance to grow in a post-Havona sense. And you'll recall, in each finaliter company, there is one Havona native. They're out there adventuring, too. They've got their own finaliter corps as well.

The Paradise Trinity didn't do the job. They withdrew, to permit the fullest possible function of a collaborating, experiential trinity. This is the time of glory for the Supreme Creators, for the Architects of the Master Universe, and for the Supreme Being. These are the several members of the First Experiential Trinity.

Second. The completed Master Universe will witness the tertiary completion of the Supreme Being. We're told that the Supreme Being has not only a spirit function in Havona, and a power- sovereignty function in the Grand Universe, but a tertiary mind function in the Master Universe. And whatever this unknown tertiary function is, it will be completed then.

It is the completion of this tertiary function of the Supreme that produces in him the capacity to function in a co-absolute way in the Second Experiential Trinity, for he is a member, not only of the First, but also of the Second Experiential Trinity.

And third: We have now got to the seventh level of total Deity function on page 2 of The Urantia Book.

(Break in tape)

--then witness the emergence of God the Ultimate. God the Ultimate is functioning, but he doesn't emerge until the Master Universe is complete.

Let's just compare for size: It takes the tennis ball to produce the Supreme Being. It takes the moon to produce the Ultimate. Albeit the Supreme Being is continuing some form of mind growth in the process.

This is how much greater the absonite is than the finite. Two inches versus 32 hundred miles. Just the size is staggering, isn't it? 99 and 99 one hundredths of one per cent of the Urantia Book is the story of the tennis ball.

There's very little in this book outside of the tennis ball. There's enough so that we can speculate.

(Break in tape)

Comparatively speaking, the Supreme Being emerges rather quickly--in a matter of a few minutes on the eternity scale.

Comparatively speaking, the seven superuniverses are achieving perfection in the twinkling of an eternal eye, when their period of growth is compared to the probable length of time involved in the growth of the entire Master Universe.

The Master Universe is going to take a long time--even by Havona standards.

(Break in tape)

--evolve. There could evolve a new relationship on the Deity level of Ultimacy. We are now exploring the significance of this seventh item. And how in the devil could we appreciate this paragraph without going through all of this reasoning. This is implied in this paragraph.

I can visualize a three-way interaction taking place now. First of all, the Paradise Trinity is functioning on the Ultimate level. It's spoken of as the Trinity of Ultimacy. When they speak of the Paradise Trinity functioning on the finite level, they speak of it as a Trinity of Supremacy. So we have a continuing function of the Paradise Trinity functioning as an ultimate.

Secondly, we have the new appearing function of the Second Experiential Trinity. No--pardon me--we still have the function of the old, First Experiential Trinity, the Trinity Ultimate. And now we have God the Ultimate. This is an interaction of three Deity realities filling the seventh level of total Deity function.

Five. I would suggest that the completion of the Master Universe might well witness the completion of the Spirit-Supreme relationship, which started in the first outer space level, and has progressed through all four.

And let's read this full quote now: "That which began as Father- Son has become Son-Spirit, and will become Spirit-Supreme, even Supreme-Ultimate, and Ultimate-Absolute."

["The Father-Son partnership has become Son-Spirit and then Spirit-Supreme and on to Supreme-Ultimate and Ultimate-Absolute, even to Absolute and Father-Infinite--the completion of the cycle of reality."]

Some new relationships are suggested here, aren't they? This is a progression in divinity cooperation, all of which is a reflection of what the Universal Father and the Eternal Son did in the beginning of beginnings. They cooperated, they united, they started things off.

Number 6. The completed Master Universe will witness the formation, the full functioning--pardon me, the full beginnings-- of the Second Experiential Trinity. This is the Trinity of the Supreme, of the Ultimate, and of the Unrevealed Consummator of Universe Destiny. And you can't get the full appearance of this Trinity until you get the Ultimate. And you don't get the Ultimate until you complete the growth of the Master Universe.

I wish you'd jump down to the last paragraph on page two: "The absolute level is beginningless, endless, timeless, and spaceless. . . This level is Trinity attained, existentially, by the Paradise Deities," (Father, Son, and Spirit), "but this third level of unifying Deity expression is not fully unified experientially."

We've gotten--we've developed--God the Supreme. We've developed God the Ultimate. We've derived two experiential Trinities. And let's take another look at the Master Universe. All the way through our discussions these three days, time and time again we've encountered this principle: An end is seldom an end. If you look closer, it may be a new beginning.

And so, section 11 in my Master Universe Hypothesis is captioned: "The Master Universe as the Final Nucleus."

Let's go back to nucleus and cytoplasm again.

This hypothesis presents the concept of the master universe as the third and final nuclear universe. We considered Havona as the first nucleus, and the grand universe as the second nucleus. Now, is the master universe an end in and of itself? Or, is it a nucleus for a further cytoplasmic development in the space regions beyond the perimeter--the edge--of the fourth outer space level?

All right, now let's apply some tests: The following evidence in support of the theory that the master universe is not an end, that it is the third nucleus.

Consider the following: First of all, the primary nucleus is Havona. We observed that its appearance is associated with the appearance of the Paradise Trinity.

Before Havona, there could be no Trinity, because before Havona, there is no Infinite Spirit. And if there's no Infinite Spirit, there is no Trinity.

The second nucleus, the completion of the grand universe, is also associated with the formation of another Trinity, the First Experiential Trinity.

We apparently, now, have established a principle: Whenever a trinity forms, a nucleus has formed.

The First Experiential Trinity comes into being at the close of the grand universe age, because the Supreme Being comes into being at the close of the grand universe age.

And now, the third and final nucleus. You don't form another Trinity at the close of the outer universe ages of the first space level, the second space level, or the third space level. But you do form the third and last Trinity at the close of the universe age of the fourth and outermost space level. It's at that time that God the Ultimate emerges, and when he appears, we can form the Second Experiential Trinity.

This suggests to me that the master universe is a nucleus. It fits the pattern that we've observed in the formation of the original nucleus, and the pattern which we deduce is now in process in the formation of the second nucleus.

This hypothesis offers the theory that the formation of a trinity is always associated with the formation of a nuclear universe, and that the appearance of a nuclear universe always suggests that there is an exterior, cytoplasmic universe--at least in potential.

Havona is the nucleus of the grand universe. The grand universe is the nucleus of the Master Universe. What is the Master Universe the nucleus of?

This hypothesis submits that the master universe is the final nucleus, and that it sustains a nuclear relationship to the cosmos-infinite.

Well, let me buttress my hypothesis.

Incidentally, the term cosmos infinite is found in--at least it's used on page 1168, paragraph 3: "If we assume a cosmos-infinite--some illimitable cosmos on beyond the master universe--"

That's where I took the term. But the best discussion of this is paragraph three on page 130:

"The central universe is the creation of eternity; the seven superuniverses are the creations of time; the four outer space levels are undoubtedly destined to eventuate-evolve the ultimacy of creation. And there are those who maintain that the Infinite can never attain full expression short of infinity; and therefore do they postulate an additional and unrevealed creation beyond the fourth and outermost space level, a possible ever-expanding, never-ending universe of infinity. In theory we do not know how to limit either the infinity of the Creator or the potential infinity of creation . . ."

"Space is not infinite, even though it takes origin from Paradise; not absolute, for it is pervaded by the Unqualified Absolute. We do not know the absolute limits of space . . ."

They say that space extends beyond the periphery of the fourth outer space level, but how far beyond, they do not know.

If our theory is right, then there is a seventh universe age. And this is a final universe age. This is an experiential- eternal age.

We started out with an existential eternal age. We seem to be finishing up with an experiential eternal age. This final universe age seems to have an origin in time, but it does not appear to have an end in time.

The first universe age is the age of Havona. It has no origin in time. It has an end in time. As long as space is increasing in volume, as fast or faster than the expansion of the cosmos- infinite, it follows that such a potentially infinite cosmos will never be limited by space. Such expanding space itself may well have boundaries at any given time, and still be boundless in eternity.

This thesis is submitted as the only one which can reconcile the statements in the papers concerning the outer boundaries of space with the speculation concerning a possible cosmos-infinite.

Infinity must, perforce, be limited as to any time expression, but how could infinity ever be limited in eternity?

Sure, at any given moment in time, space has a limit--but only in time, because given a little more time, it's bigger, and given a little more time, it's still bigger. Given endless time, its expansion is endless.

I can't think of any other way of reconciling, logically, the very flat statement that space has an outer margin with the equally flat statement, we think that there'll be a cosmos-infinite. This is one way I can put those two statements together and hook them up.

(Break in tape)

There's another way of looking at it. What is the limit of Paradise gravity? Well, it's unlimited, isn't it? But at any moment in time, there's only a limited amount of Paradise gravity. That's determined by the mass of creation.

As you get more mass, you get more gravity. So that in eternity, you have infinity of gravity pull, but at any moment in time, there's only just so much.

Paradise has no gravity output at all, in the hypothetical zero age. There was no mass. Hence, there was no active Paradise gravity. But the instant a billion worlds appeared, gravity appeared sufficient to hold them eternally in their orbits around Paradise.

We are nibbling at the edges of the difference between a time concept and an eternity concept. You and I are bound to meet, even though you go in three days and I sleep for three hundred thousand years. You're long gone when I get to the mansion worlds.

Because in eternity, if a thing is possible, it's bound to happen. Because the whole concept of chance depends on frequency. And frequency is a function of time. And in eternity, you have infinite happenings. You follow me?

Audience: Yes.

Our paths are bound to cross, because we're also in time now.

Audience: You couldn't possibly avoid me.

I can't duck you--it's a horrid thought.

Audience: Laughter.

But it's one of those things that you have to face. I mean, you want survival?

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