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The Future: Our Planet As a A Known and Unknown Reality

Peep Sober, Estonia
The Urantia Book Reader's Conference
Estonia, Karepa, 12 August 1998

I. Problems about the future in our spiritual life

Problems about the future are one of the most difficult and emotional. Very often questions about the future have to do with fear-based emotions because they are in connection with unknown reality. From other viewpoint we have to do with faith, hope and expectations connected with pleasant things touching us as a known reality.

Such kind of expectations are based on our personal beliefs. For example, we can believe that we are chosen people, that soon bad guys will perish but we shall be lifted to a pleasant place; we can believe that after physical death we shall wake up in heaven, etc. These beliefs can be based even on revelations but they are always basically our personal or group distorted interpretations of revelations; they are not based on perceived truth, they are based mostly on pleasant expectations. We all have a tendency to believe things which seem pleasant and to ignore messages which seem unpleasant.

If we can avoid fear and naive faith, we can deal with future more seriously. An Arabic proverb says that most brave is a man who is not afraid to look into future. The real braveness can originate only from trusting loving Father and from attunement to his fragment, a divine spirit in our mind.

Man can contemplate on future, however, in a quite primitive way. Wishing to move from starting point A to point B (known reality), actually we shall move to point C (unknown reality). For example, if our foreign friends started their journey from their homeland (point A) hoping to reach point B (a country they supposed to be Estonia), probably were a little surprised reaching point C (real Estonia, more or less different from their imaginations about Estonia).

The same thing we can notice with predictions concerning the future. We always reach point C. Sometimes C is similar to B (prediction) but it can also be very different.

This problem is explained in The Urantia Book as follows: In the more advanced planetary ages these seraphim [The Spirits of Trust] enhance man's appreciation of the truth that uncertainty is the secret of contented continuity. They help the mortal philosophers to realize that, when ignorance is essential to success, it would be a colossal blunder for the creature to know the future. They heighten man's taste for the sweetness of uncertainty, for the romance and charm of the indefinite and unknown future. [438:2]

And only two pages later we find Chapter 7 Seraphim of the Future: These seraphim do function in connection with the ascendant-mortal career but minister almost exclusively to those mortals who survive by some one of the modified orders of ascension.

Inasmuch as these angels are not now directly concerned with either Urantia or Urantians, it is deemed best to withhold the description of their fascinating activities. [440:1,2]

These paragraphs can explain why there are almost no predictions in The Urantia Book about the future of our planet.

It was not merely out of curiority that the ancients sought to know the future; they wanted to dodge ill luck. Divination was simply an attempt to avoid trouble. [963:9] Hopefully we are not thinking alike but the questions and problems about the future still remain.

If Jesus had told his disciples that he was going to return to Earth but not during the next 2000 years, this announcement would barely have encouraged them and many following generations. From the other viewpoint, sometimes Jesus told about the future [Paper 176], for example, wishing to save the Apostles from the destruction of Jerusalem. We can make a conclusion: knowledge of the future can be detrimental if we are not ready for that. But in some cases this knowledge can be useful. We cannot have only one-sided relations concerning the knowledge about the future.

But there is an exception made by the Revelators: The instructions by Superhumans to Contact Commission and Forum consisted of some prediction dealing with The Urantia Book dissimination. I have some comments concerning these things later in this discourse.

The Urantia Book clarifies the destiny of our planet and ourselves. But there is practically nothing about the fate, the process how it happens. Probably there are some limitations of the revelations concerning such kind of information. Apparently many potential readers are not ready for this information. We still feel point B (known reality) to be attractive.

But hopefully there are some people in the Urantia movement who are really ready to contemplate and discuss these things. Why is it important? The nearer our point B is to point C, the lesser disappointments we have and the more effective our life will become. We start to live more real and creative life because we can discover new possibilities that we even could not dream about. Otherwise we waste our energy trying to fulfill an illusory point B, which never happens.

Our mortal mind with its (scientific) logic tells us that past and present are real but future is not, it will become real. As it is not real now, we are not able to see it. We can see only real things. But we cannot see all real things, for example, angels or electromagnetic waves. Our belief about free choice tells also that future events are not yet real, they will grow out of our present choices. So it is easy to say that it is a superstition to predict the future, even if our own experience shows sometimes the opposite.

But from the other side, our future concept itself can be still a superstition, based only on our quite primitive time-space perception and on a mortal mind interpretation. Many things can seem real from our framework but from higher framework can be seen as an illusory perception and understanding.

Today we have enough facts illustrating the possibility for mortals to see the future events. For example Nostradamus in the 16th century saw the forming and destruction of the Soviet Union, even foretold its lifetime 73 years 7 months. Not all such facts are connected only with Nostradamus. We have, of course, even more cases when prophets have failed but these are false prophets. We are telling only about real prophets.

If our theory is in contradiction with some facts, the theory must be improved and changed. Better to say, our time-space concepts are relatively valid in our specific 3D space conditions.

We have read that Thought Adjuster is uniquely time-concious. Adjuster has nothing to do with our time-space perceptions and concepts. We can believe that Adjuster is able to see the future events and sometimes can give some insights to us about these things. False prophets will arise if humans have made much distortions in these messages. Much false things can arise also by their own imagination.

If there are seraphim of future, probably they can also see the future; and there are much more higher celestial beings.

But where is our free choice? Our logic seems to be too primitive. We can say that we create our fate but God is always judging us. We give a reason, God gives a result according to our destiny. Free will does not mean to be in a total freedom to do all things. There are several laws which certainly limit us. A God of final value must, himself, be the arbiter fo fate and the creator of destiny. [1078:1]

Perhaps in morontia mota there are no contradictions of such kind. At least we can explain that probably higher beings are able to see how mortals realize their free choices in future. If we see somebody running and falling and we tell other people about this, the runner anyway has his own free choice to do so.

But let us look what revelators tell us about time and space:

Man's mind is less time-bound than space-bound because of the inherent nature of mind. Even during the days of the earth life in the flesh, though man's mind is rigidly space-bound, the creative human imagination is comparatively time free. But time itself is not genetically a quality of mind.

There are three different levels of time cognizance:

1. Mind-perceived time consciousness of sequence, motion, and a sense of duration.

2. Spirit-perceived time insight into motion Godward and the awareness of the motion of ascent to levels of increasing divinity.

3. Personality creates a unique time sense out of insight into Reality plus a consciousness of presence and an awareness of duration.

Unspiritual animals know only the past and live in the present. Spirit-indwelt man has powers of prevision (insight); he may visualize the future. Only forward-looking and progressive attitudes are personally real. Static ethics and traditional morality are just slightly superanimal. Not is stoicism a high order of self-realization. Ethics and morals become truly human when they are dynamic and progressive, alive with universe reality.

The human personality is not merely a concomitant of time-and-space events; the human personality can also act as the cosmic cause of such events. [135:4-10]

We can find here how valuable our insight into future can be.

We know that there can be a possibility for God and angels to forecast the future. We are not wholly certain as to whether or not God chooses to foreknow events of sin. But even if God should foreknow the freewill acts of his children, such foreknowledge does not in the least abrogate their freedom. One thing is certain: God is never subjected to surprise. [49:3]

These are the projection angels, who forecast a future age and plan for the realization of the better things of a new and advancing dispensation; they are the architects of the successive eras. The group now on the planet has thus functioned since the beginning of the current dispensation. [1255:9]

Our time dividing into past-present-future is a very relative thing. In the evolutionary universes eternity is temporal everlastingness the everlasting now. [1295:1]

But how to achieve the perception of eternity? There is a simple technique for us: choosing to do the will of the Father. This means that the purpose of the creature has become fixed with regard to the succession of moments; stated otherwise, that the succession of moments will witness no change in creature purpose. [1295:2]

Actually even now we all are not living in the same lenghth of the present units of time consciousness. There is a direct relationship between maturity and the unit of time consciousness in any given intellect. The time unit may be a day, a year, or a longer period, but inevitably it is the criterion by which the conscious self evaluates the circumstances of life, and by which the conceiving intellect measures and evaluates the facts of temporal existence. [1295:3]

Experience, wisdom, and judgment are the concomitants of the lengthening of the time unit in mortal experience. As the human mind reckons backward into the past, it is evaluating past experience for the purpose of bringing it to bear on a present situation. As mind reaches out into the future, it is attempting to evaluate the future significance of possible action. And having thus reckoned with both experience and wisdom, the human will exercises judgment-decision in the present, and the plan of action thus born of the past and the future becomes existent. [1295:4]

Patience is exercised by those mortals whose time units are short; true maturity transcends patience by a forbearance born of real understanding. [1295:6]

To become mature is to live more intensively in the present, at the same time escaping from the limitations of the present. The plans of maturity, founded on past experience, are coming into being in the present in such manner as to enhance the values of the future. [1295:7]

The time unit of immaturity concentrates meaning-value into the present moment in such a way as to divorce the present of its true relationship to the not-present the past-future. The time unit of maturity is proportioned so to reveal the co-ordinate relationship of past-present-future that the self begins to gain insight into the wholeness of events, begins to view the landscape of time from the panoramic perspective of broadened horizons, begins perhaps to suspect the nonbeginning, nonending eternal continuum, the fragments of which are called time. [1295:8]

The previous paragraphs are extremely important to understand, if we choose to live in a broader time-conciousness. Marvellous things can happen sometimes to us at a present moment, real insights of future! We can be more happy, because sometimes we can percieve our existence in a broader time length. And contrary to that, we can never be happy if our present happiness is only for a moment or there is a danger to loose it at any next moment.

For a conclusion:

There are no rigid time dividings as part-present-future for higher conciousness or reality. The whole question consists in the length and exactness of time perception. We are used to percieving present within a extremely short length of time. But we can be sure that we shall have much surprises in future in this connection. The so-called mystical excperiences are only forwords for these chapters of life. But all this broader time-consciousness has a real value for us only if we do not miss our present duties and if we are conscious about the illusive point B.

In order not to be too theoretical, let us make now a little experiment in time.

It is obvious we are living in 3D space which dimensions or our place in space we can change. But with the time it is a different thing, we do not change our time dimension, it is changing automatically by itself. We cannot travel in time. But let us imagine that we are able to change now our time-dimension minus 50 years but we do not change our space coordinates. We are still in the same room in Karepa, but we continue our conference on 12 August 1948:

There are practically no foreign tourists in Estonia and as a rule, foreigners cannot leave our capital Tallinn. Our kitchen staff are local people from that Stalin's terror time. Soon we can hear that we are in the border zone, where even local people should have a special permission document. But we do not care, we continue our conference here. We feel emphathy to these people of that time, the only thing that we can do for them is to give a prophetic prediction that this time will end soon and even Estonia will enjoy freedom again. Our message will inspire them to be more optimistic, it will rise hope for better future but they cannot believe us. It seems too unrealistic for them to imagine. But anyway they ask: When will this happen? We say: It is not very far. We know that to give an exact time of crucial events does not have a good effect on them.

After lunch we wish to walk by the sea, but we notice there a strange barbed wire. Soon we find a small hole and we can get through this wire. Now we see a broad sand zone similar to a potato field. We walk through that zone and we look at our footprints in the sand. After a few minutes we meet Russian speaking armed frontier guards who lead us to their cordon. Soon we shall all be arrested. Our foreign guests claimed to be CIA agents and our Estonian friends are enemies of working people. We shall experience a journey to Siberia. And all this happened only because we have changed our time dimension for 50 years! After spending one day in Siberia we find it enough and we return to our present time. What a strange experience we had!

But now we wish to do even a more fascinating thing, changing our time dimension +50 years and being still here in Karepa. Now everybody can continue describing their own experiences... But we can be sure of one thing: in comparison with our present situation these experiences are unbelievable, maybe even more than our message to the people in the year 1948. We can draw two conclusions:

1. If we look on real future events from present situation, these seem very strange and mostly unbelievable; but notwithstanding all this, the future situation is real.

2. A little forecasting of the future can bring new hope into a present situation. This gives a deeper meaning and value to life of the present moment. But not all knowledge about future (especially in connection with time value) will encourage people in present time.

This kind of experiment we can do also privately, if we imagine who we were 10 or 25 years ago and how different we can be after 10 or 25 years. Perhaps we can perceive even something about our personality which is always the same changeless reality.

If we believe that it is impossible to perceive nothing about the future, we close ourselves into a very tiny box which name is the present moment. We limit our possibilities in the same present moment, we are not able to gain insight into the wholeness of events. In that sense it seems to me, we all are still like babies trying to take our first steps.

Time is the biggest gift that is given to us as is said in The Urantia Book. The more effective and creative way we use it, the more happy we are in time. If we imagine ourselves living in eternity but spend our time with futile things, the results will be disappointments, accidents and various sufferings.

On the levels of the infinite and the absolute the moment of the present contains all of the past as well as all of the future. [1296:1]

II. The future of our planet: scientific and prophetic predictions

Modern man tends to trust scientific thinking, therefore at first let us look on some research of science.

By a recently carried out United Nations research for the year 2050, there will be 7,4 billion people and in the year 2150, there will be 10,8 billion people on our planet. That is the most optimistic case if every woman will beget 2 children. But if every woman will beget as many children as in the period 1990-1995 was average, in the year 2150 our planet's population can arise to 296 billion or will be about 50 times more! Can we imagine USA with a population of 12 billion or our small Estonia with that of 75 million? At the same time the developed countries will take in 2150 only 10% instead of 19% as it is today. It is quite easy to predict a total crisis somewhere between 2030 and 2050, because our planet simply cannot feed such a big population and our energy and other natural resources will be soon at an end. Ecological crisis seems to be a child's game comparing with these more serious problems.

Do we have a solution to these problems? It seems to me that practically nothing has been achieved. Consumption and market have taken the place of religion. From the viewpoint of that religion, only the present pleasure is real and the future can be seen only how we can more and more produce and use the things.

Leaders of our countries do not want to tell us the sad news that during the next century our traditional energy resources, oil and gas, probably came to an end, even in the case of most optimistic population growth.

I am not rising this problem to frighten you or to start world improvement. I am only indicating how critical our situation actually is. That can give reason to believe, that future angels, Melchizedeks, Christ Michael etc. have some kind of solution to that growing crisis. I am quite pessimistic that our humanity is able to solve this crisis ourselves.

What can we read from The Urantia Book? From a world standpoint, overpopulation has never been a serious problem in the past, but if war is lessened and science increasingly controls human diseases, it may become a serious problem in the near future [my italic]. At such a time the great test of the wisdom of world leadership will present itself. Will Urantia rulers have the insight and courage to foster the multiplication of the average or stabilized human being instead of the extremes of the supernormal and the enormously increasing groups of the subnormal? [770:8]

You are sometimes shocked at the ravages of war, but you should recognize the necessity for producing large numbers of mortals so as to afford ample opportunity for social and moral development; with such planetary fertility there soon occurs the serious problem of overpopulation. Most of the inhabited worlds are small. Urantia is average, perhaps a trifle undersized. The optimum stabilization of national population enhances culture and prevents war. And it is a wise nation which knows when to cease growing. [908:1]

It is natural that people need a better living standard. But this cannot be our only aim to be here.

At first life was a struggle for existence; now, for a standard of living; next it will be for quality of thinking, the coming earthly goal of human existence. [910:1]

Mechanical inventions and the dissemination of knowledge are modifying civilization; certain economic adjustments and social changes are imperative if cultural disaster is to be avoided. This new and oncoming social order will not settle down complacently for a millennium. The human race must become reconciled to a procession of changes, adjustments, and readjustments. Mankind is on the march toward a new and unrevealed planetary destiny. [1086:4]

There is also another serious danger to our civilization and that can arise from space.

Neither the theory of probability or astronomers could predict much earlier the comet falling on Jupiter in 1994. Therefore astronomers are engaged more seriously with the dangers of undiscovered asteroids and comets. We have heard already about the asteroid 1997XF 11 which regularly touches the Earth orbit and in 2028 can come extremely near to us, only 48 000 km by recent calculations. The diameter of this body is only 1,5 km.

Asteroids are dangerous because smaller bodies, about 1 km in diameter, can usually be discovered only 25-50 days before they pass our planet. Bigger asteroids can be discovered earlier but if they really fall on Earth, the cataclysm is also bigger.

We have heard that the USA Congress organized already special research groups in connection with this danger and the Senate decided to finance it with 1 billion dollars. There are also research groups in that field in Russia.

The latest danger to our planet was on 20 May 1993 when an asteroid with a 5-10 km diameter passed our planet only at a distance of 150,000 km. In astronomy that means very close. However, astronomers could discover it one day later, on 21 May.

Modern astronomers have discovered during the last 5 years 20 new comets named Centaurs which have not yet passed the Sun. Their orbit is irregular and diameter is 100-300 km. By astronomers it is not impossible that during the next few centuries some of them will fall on Sun or on any planet of our Solar system. Astronomers hope to discover more such comets during the next few years.

Religious people can say that they believe to be under the protection of our loving Father. We as The Urantia Book readers can believe our spiritual insurance in eternal life. But is it valid also to a material life on a planet?

The mortal mind can immediately think of a thousand and one things catastrophic physical events, appalling accidents, horrific disasters, painful illnesses, and world-wide scourges and ask whether such visitations are correlated in the unknown maneuvering of this probable functioning of the Supreme Being. Frankly, we do not know; we are not really sure. But we do observe that, as time passes, all these difficult and more or less mysterious situations always work out for the welfare and progress of the universes. It may be that the circumstances of existence and the inexplicable vicissitudes of living are all interwoven into a meaningful pattern of high value by the function of the Supreme and the overcontrol of the Trinity. [115:6]

The Urantia Book readers have no reason to believe that life on Earth will reach an end through some kind of cataclysm. But from the other side, our progress on Urantia has never been linear. There have been many crisis and sudden changes. As I said earlier, a suddenly discovered dangerous asteroid may fall on Earth after 25-50 days of its discovery. We know that most recent bigger cosmic catastroph happened in 1908 in Siberia, (near Tunguska) and astronomers could not say anything about it before.

We should keep our attention also on the Sun. During this century astronomers have noticed some correlation between the Sun's magnetic activity and politic unstability. From that viewpoint, the next three years can be politically quite hot as Sun is passing its magnetic culmination within 11 years.

Here is not the right place to discuss politics. I can only mention that during this century the USA Army have interfered in the things of other countries 11 times and all these events happened during the Sun's magnetic rise or culmination time.

But now we look at prophets. We do not pay attention to these people whose predictions have not still been fulfilled. So we can find very few real prophets and one of them by my opinion is the famous Nostradamus. He received his prophecy from a divine being as he said. But we should be very careful not to accept any interpretation instead of original text.

As we attend this conference as The Urantia Book readers and not as Nostradamus readers, I can indicate only very few things. Most of us probably have heard his most famous prediction (Quatrain X 72):

The year 1999, seven month, from the sky will come a great King of Terror: to bring back to life the great King of the Mongols. Before and after Mars to reign by good luck.

As even this translation is an interpretation, who are more interested, should take an original text in French.*

Some Nostradamus interpretators consider King of Terror to be a dangerous asteroid or comet.

...there will have fallen from the sky such a great abundance of fire, and of burning stones, that nothing will remain unconsumed. And this will occur a short time before the final conflagration. [Preface] Here it is good to know that Nostradamus claimed his prophecy to end in 3797.

Quatrain II 41 can be also interesting to us. The great star will burn for seven days, the cloud will cause two suns to appear. The big mastiff will howl all night when the great pontiff will change country. In my opinion, the great pontiff can mean here Christ Michael changing the Earth.

Today it is obvious that the beginning point of our traditional time calculation [A.D.] is wrong. But perhaps the Millennium calculation should start not from the birth of Jesus but from baptism of Jesus (or from bestowal of the Spirit of Truth). In such case the Second Millennium will be over in 2026 or 2030 A.D. That is extremely important if we read from The Urantia Book following paragraph:

From time to time, on motion of the planetary authorities or the system rulers, special resurrections of the sleeping survivors are conducted. Such resurrections occur at least every millennium of planetary time, when not all but many of those who sleep in the dust awake. These special resurrections are the occasion for mobilizing special groups of ascenders for specific service in the local universe plan of mortal ascension. There are both practical reasons and sentimental associations connected with these special resurrections. [568:5]

Some kind of cosmic event in the end of time we can find also from prophets Daniel, Hesekiel and the Book of Revelation...

Jesus resurrected in the beginning of the third day after death. It is not impossible that his followers will resurrect also in the beginning of the third (Paradise) day (Third Millennium) from that event...

From instructions by Super-Human Revelators to Contact commission we can read: It [The Urantia Book] is not germane to the spectacular episodes of epochal revolution. It is clear, we are not called to initiate an epochal revolution. But what it actually means? We only know that the book has a world wide mission.

We know also that there is only one way to accelerate human progress and that is pressure from higher. It is quite clear that since now the human race as a whole has shown little reaction to the pull of love power but the pushing power of fear is remarkably strong.

The fear has protected us from nuclear war. The fear for the former Soviet Union joined together Western countries. Is it possible that a danger from sky will make people of Earth more friendly towards each other? Are we more friendly also towards our cosmic brothers if they are coming to help us in that danger?

I believe that there are no accidents. The real scenario depends on human will and divine destiny. How can people of Urantia awake from materialistic secularity and religious phanaticism? As I earlier have shown, there is a great need for that change.

However, it also can be possible that nothing extraordinary will happen on that date. That will be a first clear failure of Nostradamus in this case.

There is a shock therapy used sometimes in medicine. Is it neccessary to heal the whole world by cosmic shock therapy?

By the words of some American mediums, cosmic beings have given advice already to store the spring water. To me it seems to be too early but everyone has his own opinion, belief and future concept.

To speak about possible catastrophes is not a popular thing. But to believe in a linear progress does not help us if we are in a real crisis. The deeper understanding of the whole process can be more helpful for us.

To The Urantia Book readers may be interested to know that the 11th Century Irish prophet Saint Malachy O'Morgair had a Popes list. We shall have only two more Popes according to him. Then will come a Judgment Day, as he said. Probably this indicates a new dispensational adjudication.

The Urantia Book says: There has never been a magisterial mission on your world... [567:6] Perhaps this deviation has been done because Caligastia joined the Lucifer rebellion, and Adam and Eve made a default. But time for divine mercy is limited by righteousness, entering into next, spiritual age can presume a free choice. Does it really mean dividing people into two parts, is a big question.

III. The law of Seven

The more truth you know, the more truth you are, the more of the past you can understand and of the future you can comprehend. [1297:3]

Is it possible for us to comprehend the laws of human evolution, its past-present-future process? Do we have enough good tools for that? Our words and concepts should be abstract, universal and comprehensive enough.

It is difficult to find in our cultural world more universal and comprehensive symbols as numbers. Number 1 can symbolize one moment, one man and even one God. People have contemplated about the meanings of numbers almost in every culture. Ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras came to conclusion that the whole world is based on numbers. Reading The Urantia Book we can find some similar things. Why there are seven superuniverses and not four or thirteen? That is because Deity divided itself into three Persons and all their possible combinations give number 7. So was created the Seven Master Spirits taking care of the seven superuniverses. Here we can find a pattern for the whole evolution.

1 God the Father Thought Thesis
2 God the Son Word Antithesis
3 God the Spirit Action Synthesis
4 Father and Son Thought + Word Inspiration
5 Father and Spirit Thought + Action Expression
6 Son and Spirit Word + Action Action
7 Father, Son and Spirit Thought + Word + Action Assimilation

The first three coloumns can be derived from The Urantia Book, the fourth one shows seven stages of evolution as they are sometimes described. As these fourth coloumn concepts are easier to understand, I shall use them more. It can be possible that these 7 stages are universal for all evolution, as they originate from Three Deities. Therefore here we can find a cosmic code which perhaps helps us to understand every evolutionary process as a whole thing, its past-present-future. We should only determine in which stage is the present situation and we can generally comprehend the whole process!

At first we can take a human life.

1 1...7 Thesis
2 8...14 Antithesis
3 15...21 Synthesis (Youth)
4 22...36 Inspiration
5 37...50 Expression
6 51...64 Action (Adult age)
7 65...79 Assimilation (Older age)

Perhaps most of us have noticed that we have found The Urantia Book in the age 22...36, that means the Inspiration stage; we were truth seekers. Then we express the truth, put into action, this becomes our life and in the end we assimilate the truth. Everyone can have his own length for these periods, here is only an example.

Now we look at Christianity:

1 Thesis Life and teachings of Jesus
2 Antithesis Betrayal of Judas, denying of Peter, crucifixion of Jesus, Apostles in confusion
3 Synthesis Recurrection of Jesus and his morontia appearances
4 Inspiration Bestowal of the Spirit of Truth, beginning for gospel
5 Expression Bible as a basis for religion
6 Action Christian Church as a central institution
7 Assimilation Conclusion for Christianity (dispensational adjudication?)

But let us look at epochal revelations:

1 Dalamatia teachings Thesis
2 Edentia Antithesis
3 Melchizedek's teachings Synthesis
4 Jesus's teachings Inspiration
5 The Urantia Book teachings Expression
6 ? Action
7 ? Assimilation

There are no doubts that the Dalamatia teachings about First Source and Center can be Thesis. Antithesis can be clarified if we look at it as a complementary principle. We know that Father bestowed all possible qualities to Son. The mission of Adam and Eve consisted anti only because of the rebellion. Otherwise their mission could be complementary to Dalamatia teachings. The Urantia Book tells that Adams and Eves have defaulted also on other planets. As this stage consists of anti it is very easy to make mistakes. (Marriage can also belong to this stage. Man + woman, that seems to be a hard test.)

Melchizedek synthesized trust and faith. Jesus's teachings as an Inspiration does not need comments. The Urantia Book as an Expression can fit also very well. For that reason it expresses also Jesus's teachings. But if Jesus has written down his teachings in a book form, he missed Inspiration stage and whole evolution process has failed great loss.

Comparing the fourth and fifth revelation from the earlier viewpoint, we can notice why religious people from the fourth stage cannot understand religious people from the fifth stage. There are mostly no problems on opposite direction. As number 5 symbolizes Father and Spirit, we have much to do here with mind. Now we should focus on Thought and Action.

As this sevenfold pattern characterizes seven superuniverses, we can even guess something about other superuniverses. Perhaps in our Orvonton all achievements from other six superuniverses will be assimilated. That is why it takes more time to be complete.

For a conclusion we can look even on the Urantia movement. Where are we now?

1 Thesis Revelation process, Contact Commission, Forum, Urantia Foundation (1950), Urantia Brotherhood (1955), The Urantia Book (1955)
2 Antithesis Fellowship (1989), IUA (1993), Copyright battle
3 Synthesis Foundation and Fellowship began cooperation (1997)
4 Inspiration
5 Expression
6 Action
7 Assimilation

As we see the most dangerous stage is now behind. Urantia movement is today quite young, much can be achieved in next stages.

The law of seven can help us in the expansion of our present moment comprehension. The most important thing here is that this gives a possibility to look generally on the whole process. Symbolic way of thinking can be somewhat strange for scientific man but this is anyway one possible description of the world.

For a conclusion:

We all have a tendency to overemphasize our present concepts and therefore limit our future potential for growth. That is natural, we need certainty. We tend to believe that tomorrow is like today and after tomorrow etc. is the same. That seems to be realistic. One aim for this discourse was to shake this certainty a little and to show how different ways the human progress and evolution can happen. Hopefully this has not put you into senseless fear and trouble concerning our future. This could be even little provocative but unfortunately I could not tell you only good news.

Here were described a few approaches concerning the future; I wanted to touch the present politics as little as possible. Maybe you have something to add, to ask or to comment from your viewpoint. I do not think you can or should agree with all my approaches, interpretations and explanations. But in a final way, FatherÀÀs Will should be done. And I am sure, we all can agree in that.

Now my discourse has fulfilled stage number 1. It is time to take number 2 Antithesis that means questions, opinions and discussions. That is also a pattern for the whole conference here.


Cheetham, Erika. The Final Prophecies of Nostradamus. Warner Books 1993

Leoni, Edgar. Nostradamus: Life and Literature. Exposition Press, NY 1961

Mann, A.T. Millennium Prophecies. Predictions for the Year 2000. Element Books 1992

Universum. Edited by Rein VeskimÀÀe. Tallinn 1997

The Urantia Book. Urantia Foundation 1955


The Wholeness of Gods and Master Universe can be described also by 7 elements:

1 God the Father

2 God the Son

3 God the Spirit Eternal Past Unqualified Absolute

4 Paradise

5 Havona

6 Grand Universe Eternal Present Qualified Absolute

7 Four Outer Space Levels Eternal Future Universal Absolute

Father, Son and Spirit does not need comments. Paradise is our great Inspiration, Havona is Expression of that Inspiration. Grand Universe is realizing only by Action. On Outer Space Levels can be assimilated all previous achievements.

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The Urantia Book Fellowship