The Soul: Origin, Evolution and Destiny
Part 4: Planetary Appearance, Function and Organization of Thought Adjusters
Prior to the Bestowal of the Spirit of Truth
Adjuster's bestowal appears to be determined by many spirit influences and personality attitudes. They are:
- 1. Assignment of a personal seraphic guardian
- 2. Attainment of the third psychic circle
- 3. Upon making a supreme decision of unusual spiritual import
- 4. The spirit of brotherhood, the love of one's fellows
- 5. Declaration of intention to do the will of God
- 6. Influence of the Supreme Being -- a cosmic reflex action -- on worlds of non-Adjuster fusion. (1187; 5 to #3) (See non-Adjuster fusion types, 446;4)
Choice-Liberty Creatures
Personalities not Adjuster indwelt cannot be coerced into eternity, but even so, they are embraced in the great circuit of love. (71;LP)
"Even the infinite love of God cannot force the salvation of eternal survival upon any mortal creature who does not choose to survive. Mercy has great latitude of bestowal, but, after all, there are mandates of justice which even love combined with mercy cannot effectively abrogate. (1638; LP)
Adjuster bestowals on Urantia
In the order of their appearance:
- 1. Andon and Fonta received adjusters upon making the supreme decision to leave their tribe. In the times of Onagar adjusters came in great number. (717;2) (See Onagar, 715; #6)
- 2. Assistants of the Planetary Prince's staff. (574; #4,LP)
- 3. Jesus said "as it now dwells in some". (1642; 2,3) 4. "Therefore have the divine Adjusters been universally bestowed upon all normal minds of moral status on Urantia ever since the day of Pentecost. (1187;3) (See Thought Changers, Adjusters, Controllers -- 1177;2)
Organization of Adjusters
Adjusters are organized as an independent working unit in the universe of universes. They are administered directly from Divinington. They are uniform throughout the seven superuniverses. All local universes are served by identical types of Mystery Monitors. There are numerous series of Adjusters involving a serial organization that extends through:
- 1. Races
- 2. Other dispensations
- 3. To worlds, systems, and local universes
They function interchangeably throughout the grand universe. There are complete records of Adjusters only on the headquarters of the superuniverse and on Divinington. The number and order of each indwelling Adjuster of creatures is reported out by the Paradise authorities to superuniverse headquarters, then to the headquarters of the local universe concerned -- then relayed to the Planet involved. Local universe records contain only the local universe assignment number, not the full number of them. The complete number is known only on Divinington.
Human subjects are often known by the numbers of their Adjusters. Mortals do not receive real names until after fusion. (1188; #3)
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