The Soul: Origin, Evolution and Destiny
Part 3: Adjuster Arrival and Initiation of Soul
1. The human subject makes his first moral personality decision. This moral choice is indicated in the seventh mind adjutant, and registers instantly by way of the local universe Mother Spirit, over the universal mind gravity circuit of the Conjoint Actor (Infinite Spirit), in the presence of the Master Spirit of superuniverse jurisdiction -- who forthwith dispatches this intelligence to Divinington, the Paradise rendezvous of the Thought Adjusters.
This mind has been duly prepared by adjutant spirits, encircuited in the Holy Spirit, and embraced by the Supreme Being. The Adjuster usually appears just prior to the sixth birthday.
2. Technique of evolving the immortal soul
The material self has personality and temporal identity. The prepersonal adjuster has eternal identity. This material personality and this spirit prepersonality are capable of Uniting their creative attributes so as to bring into existence the surviving identity of the immortal soul. This uniting initiates the soul. Having thus provided for the growth of the immortal soul and liberating the inner self from dependence on causation response, the Father stands aside -- it remains for man himself to will the creation, or to inhibit the creation of this surviving and eternal self, which is his for the choosing. (71;2,3)
Your individual Adjusters work to spiritize you in the hope of eternalizing your temporal identity. They truly and divinely love you. They are the prisoners of spirit hope confined within the minds of Man. They long for the divinity attainment of your mortal minds that their loneliness may end, that they may be delivered with you from the limitations of material investiture and the habiliments of time. (1182; #6,2)
The soul partakes of the qualities of both the human mind and the divine spirit, but persistently evolves toward living dominance -- through the fostering of a mind function whose meanings seek to co-ordinate with true spirit value. (1219;4)
The Adjusters begin work with a definite and predetermined plan for the intellectual and spiritual development of their human subjects, but it is not incumbent upon any human being to accept this plan. They are always subservient to your will. (1204; #2)
3. Suggestions to help will the creation of soul
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