Product Categories Inventory
Commerce has product categories.
Commerce will only display 50 product categories at a time (the list is sorted by category code). You can start the list at any product category, just type in a starting code and click the "Start at Category" button.
Select a Category to View Its Inventory
Product Category Category Description
Inventory Rapid Update
The inventory update data should contain a line for each product being updated, and each line should have a product sku and the quantity separated by a comma. You also have the option of adding a third column to adjust the inventory flags. (e.g. A0001,46 or A0001,46,key - look below for valid key values)
Using PDG .inv file format for Rapid Update
Product Key
these keys are for products that are not in stock
a Display in Searches and allow backorder
b If out of stock, DO NOT display in Searches, and allow backorder
c Display in Searches and do NOT allow backorder
d If out of stock, DO NOT display in Searches, and DO NOT allow backorder
Option Key
these keys are for items that are tracked by option
x Do not track this option combination
y Allow backorder and track this option combination
z Do NOT allow backorder and track this option combination