Google Checkout Settings
Google Checkout Settings
Merchant ID:
Merchant Key:
Payment Method Label:
Log File:
SandBox Mode (testing only):
Google Checkout Shipping Options
You have 3 options for shipping. You must choose one of the three settings below.
Shipping Charge per pound or kilogram:
this value will be multiplied by the order weight to determine the shipping cost.
Flat Rate Shipping: Flat rate for zero weight orders:
Flat rate for orders that have weight:
Use Rule Based Shipping Methods:
the list to the right shows the valid shipping methods from your shipping settings.
Google Checkout Web Site Navigation
Continue Shopping URL:
Edit Shopping Cart URL:

* Merchant should abide by the Google Checkout Program Policies.

** If you sell items that can not be purchased using Google Checkout, according to Google Checkout's Terms of Service, the first data in User defined field 0 must be "<!--NOT-FOR-GOOGLE-CHECKOUT-->" for those items.
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