PayByTouch Gateway Configuration
PayByTouch Gateway Settings
Company key:
Terminal ID:
File to which PayByTouch Gateway transactions are logged:
PayByTouch Gateway URL: (do not include https://)
Authorization Type:
Test mode:
AVS Deny codes:
Note: These codes are used on approved credit card sale transactions. If the AVS code returned by PayByTouch is in the list you provided then the software will automatically void the approved transaction.
CVV Deny codes:
Note: These codes are used on approved credit card sale transactions. If the CVV code returned by PayByTouch is in the list you provided then the software will automatically void the approved transaction.

AVS Response Codes
Code Text Description
0 (zero) CAPTURE (or decline reason) AVS not performed
A ADDRESS MATCH Address match only
B* ADDRESS MATCH Street address match. Postal Code not verified.
C* SERV UNAVAILABLE Street address and Postal Code not verified
D* EXACT MATCH Street address match
E INELIGIBLE Not a mail/phone order
G INFO NOT VERIFIED Global non-AVS participant-address information
I* VER UNAVAILABLE Address information not verified
N NO MATCH No address or postal code match
P* ZIP MATCH Postal Code. Street address not verified.
R RETRY Issuer system unavailable
S SVC UNAVAILABLE Service not supported
U VER UNAVAILABLE Address unavailable
X EXACT MATCH Exact match: address and 9 digit postal code
Y EXACT MATCH Exact match: address and 5 digit postal code
W ZIP MATCH 9-digit postal code match only
Z ZIP MATCH 5-digit postal code match only
* Denotes an International code. Their availability is limited based on issuer participation.
International issuers may also send non-international codes.
M CVV Match
N CVV No Match
P Not Processed
S Merchant has indicated that CVV is not present on card
U Issuer is not certified and/or has not provided Visa encryption keys