PDG Commerce Functions  

PDG Commerce Introduction

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Basic PDG Commerce Functions

Home/Enter Store

PDG Commerce provides users with the option of utilizing the software to dynamically generate their entire website, or to utilize existing static pages for the non-storefront/catalog pages on the site (e.g. home page, about page,etc.).

The links below will provide an example of a PDG generated "home" page, based on the information you provide within the Design/Company Info section of the PDG Administrator.

Show Home Page

Show Products & Categories

PDG Commerce provides users with the option of utilizing the software to dynamically generate an online catalog, or to add "add to cart" links to existing site pages. If you are working with an extremely large database, or if you would like to go live with your site in a very short period of time, using Commerce's StoreBuilder function can save you a tremendous amount of time. When a user clicks on a StoreBuilder link, Commerce will then generate a listing of all products within the webstore, in typical "search result" format, and will provide a listing of all the categories/subcategories within the webstore for the user to begin narrowing the results.

Begin Shopping

Order/More Info

This is usually the initial link which calls PDG Commerce into action from an existing product page on your website. It displays the chosen product on Commerce's "item" page and allows the customer to specify the quantity and options for the product. Usually this link is placed somewhere adjacent to the product description or image on your static pages that you have created yourself.

More Info

Add to Cart/Buy Now

If your products do not have option attributes and the typical order is for a quantity of one, you may choose to skip Commerce's "preadd" step by using Commerce's add action. Note: although Commerce's add action will always add a quantity of 1 by default, the user will be presented with the option of recalculating the number when they view the contents of their cart.

Buy Now


If you would like to allow your customer to search for specific products, the search action will generate a page allowing the customer to search for products based on keywords, sku numbers, product descriptions, price range, and product category.


View Cart

This type of link allows customers to view the contents of their cart at anytime, from any place in your Web store that you place the link.

View Cart


This type of link allows customers to proceed to checkout at anytime, from any place in your Web store that you place the link.



This type of link allows customers to register for the web store. The user will assign themselves a user name and password that can be used to retrieve their billing and shipping address information. Merchants may also elect to extend special pricing and discount offers to select users or groups of users, with a customer's eligibility determined based on their log in credentials.


Log In

This type of link allows customers to log in to the web store in order to retrieve billing and shipping address info, as well as in order to receive any special pricing and discounts offered to their customer category.


Log Out

This type of link allows customers to log out of the web store.


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