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The Urantia Book
PO Box 4583
Grand Central Station New York, NY 10163





More IC05 Information


The program is structured in three tracks:
Experiential Spirituality (E), Philosophy and Theology (P), and Science (S)

Saturday, July 30

12 Noon - 10:00 PM    Registration  

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM  Bookstore and Gallery

5:00 PM Dinner

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Youth Meet-and-Greet Get Together

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Welcome Reception for First Time Conference Attendees - Gallen, Room 108

8:00 PM - 11:00 PM Welcome Reception Party Co-sponsored by the Urantia Book Society of Greater New York - Farley, Room 004

Sunday, July 31st

7:00 -7:30 AM Aerobics and stretching with Gina Buselli on the lawn between the apartment buildings

7:00 -7:30 AM The Art of Seamm Jasani with Pradhana Fuchs

7:00 - 8:30 Breakfast

8:45 - 11:30 Plenary and Worship

Villanova Room, Connelly Center

Celebratory video

Welcoming remarks - Avi Dogim

Oklahoma Players

Introduction to the three program tracks

Worship Facilitated by Craig Peyton
Sensory Stimulation--Our spiritual emotions are touched by variations of
external input to inspire our reach toward the doorway of true worship.

11:45 - 1:15 Lunch

1:30 - 3:00 P.M.

S) The Coming Scientific Validation of The Urantia Book                 

Dr. Phil Calabrese

While his degrees are in mathematics, Dr. Calabrese has an extensive interest in other      fields, such as astronomy and physics.  In this presentation he will develop his position that at the present time, the science in The Urantia Book is almost completely prophetic or current.

P)  Personality and Man                                                                                    

George Park

The reality of personality is revealed for the first time in the Urantia Papers.  This has a significance of epochal dimensions for the concepts of God, man, and reality.  A presentation on the revealed concept of personality is followed by an open discussion.

P)  The Religion of Morality: Decisions, Sincerity and Objectivity

David Kulieke
How do "the keys to the kingdom," the power of choice," and the motivation
of faith" work together to develop the "Religion of Morality?" In addition
to Urantia Book quotes David will present some cartoons and literary
readings to explore possible answers.

P)   Beliefs About The Urantia Book:  Impacts on Faith and Community     

Merritt Horn

Do our beliefs about the special nature of the Urantia revelation, though comforting, actually causes many of the personal and social crises we experience, thereby inhibiting the growth of faith and community?  What adjustments in our beliefs might foster religious and spiritual growth so that we can "make spirit matter?"

E)  The Marriage Relationship and Family Living: Antagonistic Cooperation     

Arlene and Buck Weimer

This first fun workshop begins with practicing communication skills using the "Feedback" technique, and a critiquing of the difference between sympathy and empathy.

Three levels of conflict resolution will be identified and practiced using the pattern of Christ Michael and the Creative Mother Spirit in their "Proclamation of Equality".

E)  Spirit and Art                                                                                             

Patrick Yesh

Based on Urantia principles, this fun and deeply moving workshop will lead you into the realm of artistic spiritual creativity, so that you begin to experience yourself as your soul. 

You do not have to be an artist to create a Blackfoot medicine wheel, a collage mandala, and other spiritual expressions.

E)  Practicing the Presence of God: Prayer, Worship, Joy and Communion     

Al Wolf

We'll experience various ways "God's intimate spiritual fellowship" with all ages and social conditions and among all peoples, "reaches towards" spiritual joy and divine communion - the only reward Jesus held out in this world.

P)  Personality, Human Sources, and The Urantia Book                            

Steve Dreier

Personality is one of the premier concepts of The Urantia Book.  This workshop will explore the concept of personality as presented in The Urantia Book, and in various other texts identified as "human sources" through the work of Matthew Block.

P)  How Does God Function Within Us? (Session 1)                            

Moussa N'Diaye

In French with English translation

Moussa N'Diaye, professor at the University of Dakar in Senegal developed a Urantia Book based experiential approach aimed at developing the individual's grasp and appreciation of the spirit influences contributing to soul growth. This is the first of 8 continuous sessions.

E)  A Singing Workshop                                                                             

Beverly Boyer

In this workshop we will begin by reviewing what The Urantia Book says about the importance of music.  Then we will join our voices in song, drawing from a repertoire of rounds, chants, and songs written in harmony.  The only prerequisite is a love of singing.

P)  What's So Special About The Urantia Book?  

Paula Thompson

Are you wondering what's so special about The Urantia Book?                                   

This workshop will help to answer that question if someone you love has fallen in love with the book.  The workshop will also prove valuable to anyone just beginning their own amazing voyage of discovery with The Urantia Book.

P)  The Supreme Being                                                                                  

David Glass

An overview of the Supreme (Papers 115-118) will include a survey of the origin and development of the universe through the completion of the Master Universe, followed by exploratory speculation concerning what may happen after the eras of Supremacy and Ultimacy.  Questions from participants will be discussed.

3:30-5:00 P.M.

P)  Fruits of the Spirit                                                                             

Anthony Finstad

Let's look at the Master's eighteenth morontia appearance (page 2054).  We'll explore the eleven fragrant and powerful 'fruits' that are illuminated throughout The Urantia Book.  A study group format will encourage personal exchange.  The emphasis will be on our human striving for balance, mind, body and a 'fruitful spirit'.

E)  Second Mile Challenge                                                              
Errol and & Rochelle Strider

This workshop is an invitation to explore how our relationship with God, our life experiences and the teachings of The Urantia Book empower us to become second milers. We will learn how to identify and deal with the obstacles that keep us from the second mile and commit to being and working together to build a "new and transformed human society." (P. 195:10.5) Pre-registration is required.

E)  The Golden Rule - Beyond Fairness and Morality                                 

Robert Burns

This is not a workshop for the faint of heart.  The Golden Rule isn't an infallible guide to which actions are right or wrong; it doesn't give all the answers and requires the use of one's experience, imagination, sincerity, and spirit insight.  "The Golden Rule, when literally interpreted, may become the instrument of great offense to one's fellows."

S)  The Reality of the Universe Mother Spirit                                       

Dr. Patricia Rife

Patricia Rife will be speaking on the Divine Feminine and the creative aspects of the Universal Mother (spiritual and cosmological), and compare these Urantia insights with modern day quantum physics terms, concepts, metaphors, and language.

P)  How Does God Function Within Us (Session 2)                             

Moussa N'Diaye

This is a continuation of an eight day seminar.

E)  Angels: Destiny Guardians

Victoria Clark                                                                    

Imagine a partner who loves you, never judges you, and understands your struggles.  Gain a better understanding of the partnership between you and your guardian angel.  This workshop will focus on this touchingly altruistic relationship through multimedia, music, art and sharing.

S)  Quality Thinking in the Mind Arena of Choice                        

Suzanne Kelly-Ward

This beautiful power point program encompasses the outworking of mind, energy, quantum thought, action, science, the evolution of religious understanding - and the consummation of all of these into personality, spirituality, and the co-creation of personal immortality. This workshop will be repeated on Monday at 10:15am

E) The Obligations of Revelation                                                                 

Jonathan Carr

What roles do compassion, forgiveness, duty, moral consciousness, ethical excellence, and character have in the life of believers of the Revelation?  This workshop will help you advance along that path.  The obligations of revelation profoundly influence our spiritual evolution.

P)  Why Should Biblical Scholarship Matter to Us?                                              


Finnie will present examples of The Urantia Book's use of biblical scholarship, illuminating the development of Hebrew and Pauline theology.  The class will discuss how knowledge is expanded and will look at where biblical scholarship is headed today.

P) The Cymboyton Discussion Series:  The Great Challenge to Modern Man (Session 1)

Bob Devine, Al Wolf, Steven Hecht

In honor of the Urmia School of Religion and its founder, come to a place for conversation where the floor is open for people to share their views on the topic up for discussion.  Rules of civility and tolerance from Urantia Paper 134:3 apply.

E) Young Adults in Action - Creating the Next 50 years (Session 1)         

Thomas Orjala & Aurora Hill

Join in a two part experiential workshop where we will discover, define and develop our many talents and leadership skills.  We will make lasting friendships while we explore ways to work as a group during and after the conference.  Young adults are the future leaders of the movement.

S)  A Review of the 2004 Sarmast Mediterranean Expedition              

Captain Bob Bates

This presentation will be repeated on Monday at 1:30 pm

Did the research expedition confirm the location of Atlantis based on Plato's description of the long-lost culture?  Captain Bob has prepared an exciting program about the trip and will comment on the results of the soundings taken of the sea floor.

5:30 - 6:00 pm Divine Meditation: Bartley 1011

Barbara Dreier leading

 5:30 -7:00 Dinner

7:00 - 9:00 Special Interest Groups - for list and locations see the information board in the lobby of the Connelly building

8:00 - midnight Club UB - Connelly building,

7:00 - midnight Music - Bel Air Terrace

Monday, August 1st

7:00 -7:30 AM Aerobics and stretching with- Gina Buselli on the lawn between the apartment buildings

7:00 -7:30 AM The Art of Seamm Jasani with Pradhana Fuchs

7:00 - 8:30 breakfast

8:45 - 9:30 Worship

Facilitated by Marta Elders, Villanova Room
Contemplation and Meditation--In the quiet of our interior mind and soul we
reach for God and await his response as he beckons us to enter the doorway
of true worship.

9:30- 10:00  Plenary Session

My Relationship with the Adjuster 

Moussa N'Diaye,  Villanova Room

10:15 - 11:45 A.M.

P)  From Havona to Havana: Making Spirit Matter            

Pradhana Fuchs and Coloro Magana

This workshop will reflect on the presenters' recent Cuban outreach experiences.  They endeavored to spread The Urantia Book through the leading of the spirit in a country that doesn't possess many options for finding spiritual meaning.

E)  Through the I's of the Soul                                                                     

Marta Elders

This is an experiential workshop where we will explore and nurture the origin, nature and destiny of our soul as revealed in The Urantia Book.  Through guided imagery, meditation, interactive exercises and mind, we will deepen our contact with and understanding of our true creative self, our soul.  Bring your favorite quote regarding soul.

P)   Spirit Unity and Community                                                                           

Al Wolf

Using UB quotes (141:5.6-7), (1:7.2), (141:7.5), (92:7.4), (143:7.8) and others, we will strive for an inclusive, accepting understanding of spirit unity and community in our spiritual journey.  "The Father desires all his creatures to be in communion with Him"

E)  SpiritQuest (Session 1)                             

Eef Hoedemaker and Roy Healy

UB (you be) The Revelation.  By using practical techniques and the "learn by experience" model, SpiritQuest addresses the key elements of spiritual growth.  SpiritQuest builds upon the abilities and strengths the participants already have, bringing about an understanding in a very short period of time.

P)  Deep Politics and Deep Spirituality                                                    

Byron Belitsos

America and the world are entering an era of "deep politics", when an epochal political crisis will call forth deeper spiritual reserves.  This workshop will examine this opportunity with special reference to leadership skill.  (Please 'Google': "Entering the Era of Deep Politics" for background.)

S)  Quality Thinking in the Mind Arena of Choice                         

Suzanne Kelly-Ward

This beautiful power point program encompasses the outworking of mind, energy, quantum thought, action, science, the evolution of religious understanding - and the consummation of all of these into personality, spirituality, and the co-creation of personal immortality.  (This is a repeat session)

E)  Worship Without Name                               

Shane and Young Adult Readers

An interactive explanation of worship, with a discussion focused on how and why worship is correlated with our personal experiences "in the wilderness" worshiping the Father. As the revelation suggests, we will progress together on up through the levels of prayer and gratitude until we reach that soul-watering attitude of supreme adoration for the Father of love.

P)  Prophecy and The Urantia Book                                                        

Preston Thomas

This presentation contrasts the spiritual with the prevailing secular viewpoint of prophecy.  It looks at specific prophecies from The Urantia Book concerning "the gigantic struggle between the secular and the spiritual."  Its goal is to validate the prophetic viewpoint and demonstrate its relevance to our lives and to our future.

E) Second Mile Challenge (Session 2)                                      

Errol and Rochelle Strider

The Urantia Book (P.195:10.5) states that what the world needs are second milers.  Until they surface mankind will continue to stumble along in moral darkness.  In our challenging times, our society must be motivated to evolve more aggressively.

P)  Enriching your Understanding of The Urantia Book  -- David Kantor

Take this pre-session test of your knowledge of The Urantia Book! Bring your answer to this workshop.

A simplified approach to long-term study for easier and deeper comprehension will be presented. This session will provide some new conceptual tools for readers who would like to undertake a deeper exploration of The Urantia Book for purposes of enriching their personal spiritual lives and enhancing their service potentials.

S)  From Stars to Early Civilization

Gard Jameson

This workshop will reintroduce the reader to the excitement of the story of our evolutionary development.  It will be a tactile/visual feast illustrating this amazing story of struggle and development, utilizing knowledge from contemporary paleontology and from the pages of The Urantia Book.

P)  How Does God Function Within Us?  (Session 4)                          

Moussa N'Diaye

This workshop is a continuing seminar of eight sessions.

11:45 - 1:15 Lunch

1:30-3:00 P.M.           

P)  Becoming Universe Conscious Citizens: Challenge of the Next Fifty Years (Part 1)

Stephen Zendt, Nancy Johnson, Jean-Pierre Heudier

Recognizing and understanding the Paradise Pattern from the Paradise viewpoint is the key.  Sharing, integrating and unifying our experiences within that pattern is our assignment. Spiritualized mind is our tool.  When the teachers are ready, the students will appear.  This world needs us to be ready.  Please take the challenge.

E)  Divine Culture                                                                            

Kathy George-Moore     

Throughout the next 50 years we will experience the pioneering of a *Divine Culture*.

The Urantia Book gives us the understanding of how to actually live this culture and to be aware of the reality of its happening now.  This exercise will explore this process of awareness in our everyday lives.

P)  Beyond Interfaith                                                                                 

Peter Laurence           

While religious institutions have been claiming ownership of absolute truth for centuries, since 1893 there has been increasing activity around inter-religious dialogue.  In the 21st

Century a new phenomenon has emerged - a cultural shift away from institutional religion toward personal spirituality.  This workshop will explore that shift and its implications for The Urantia Book.

S)  A Review of the 2004 Sarmast Mediterranean Expedition              

Captain Bob Bates

This is a repeat presentation from Sunday.

S)  Where in the Universe Are We? (Part 1)                                             

John Causland

Prepare to enjoy a trip through the known universe!  Can we identify our Minor Sector?  Major Sector?  Superuniverse?  What new findings in astronomy can we relate to statements in The Urantia Book?  Take this exciting visual trip through outer space.

E)  The SheBiker Sisterhood

Carol Setters                                                                          

Using humor and comparisons between the motorcycle culture and life on rebellion-torn Urantia, women will look at their role as ambassadors of the Fifth Epochal Revelation.  Participants will develop a value-based identity statement and a six-month plan to bring the light of the revelation into the world.

E)  Family Living-The Master Civilizer (Session 2)                   

Arlene and Buck Weimer

Group dynamics and methods of discipline will be identified in this workshop and the "Mutual Respect" technique experienced.  Parents will have an opportunity to practice the mastering of anger and assist in the moral development of their children.  Everyone will participate in a Family Meeting on real family issues with the goal of consensus decision-making.  We will conclude with humor and the importance of reversion.


P)  Psychological and Spiritual Health According to UB Principles         

Patricia Pearce MD

Definitions of mental health according to cognitive psychological theory will be compared with psychological attributes and principles in the UB which foster spiritual growth.  Individuals, couples, families, and society can then identify what we should be doing personally and interpersonally to get the most out of our Urantia experience.

P)  How Does God Function Within Us? (Session 4)                              

Moussa N'diaye

This workshop is a continuing seminar of eight sessions.

P)  SpiritQuest (Session 2)                             

Eef Hoedemaker and Roy Healy

UB (you be) The Revelation.  By using practical techniques and the "learn by experience" model, SpiritQuest addresses the key elements of spiritual growth.  SpiritQuest builds upon the abilities and strengths the participants already have, bringing about an understanding in a very short period of time.

P)  The Cymboyton Discussion Series: Unity without Uniformity - The Elusive Ideal (Session 2)                                                                                 

Bob Devine, Al Wolf, Steven Hecht                                  

In honor of the Urmia School of Religion and its founder, come to a place for conversation where the floor is open for people to share their views on the topic up for discussion.  Rules of civility and tolerance from Urantia Paper 134:3 apply.

3:30-5:00 P.M.

P)  Becoming Universe Conscious Citizens: Challenge of the Next Fifty Years (Part 2)

Stephen Zendt, Nancy Johnson, Jean-Pierre Heudier                  

Recognizing and understanding the Paradise Pattern from the Paradise viewpoint is the key.  Sharing, integrating and unifying our experiences within that pattern is our assignment. Spiritualized mind is our tool.  When the teachers are ready, the student will appear.  This world needs us to be ready.  Please take the challenge.

E)  The Fifth Revelation and Christianity:  Seeking Reconciliation           

Jonathan Zoba

A guided discussion focused on many issues arising between readers of the Fifth Epochal Revelation and consequential religionists of the Fourth Epochal Revelation, the Christians.  Open discussion about encountering Christians, being raised Christian, and overcoming Christian resentment in order to seek reconciliation with our siblings, including UB readers.

E)  Spiritual Conquest - From Matter to Spirit (The Long and Winding Road)

Richard Omura

This workshop will explore the step by step process of how we actually become eternal using the techniques of our soul, and how we can develop spiritual (morontial) vision.

These are genuine experiential insights gleaned through years of study and profound experiences backed up with quotes from The Urantia Book.

E)  Soul Manifestation through Creative Expression                               

Gary Deinstadt

Through the incredible art of jazz we'll demonstrate that any individual or group, when working with their own talents and abilities, can creatively experience new possibilities of expression, from the paradigm of the soul-conscious experience.

E)  Taming the Elephant in the Living Room                                                

Lucy Harris

This workshop presents non-readers with an opportunity to share their experiences and strategies for living harmoniously with Urantia devotees.  Participants will be invited to offer their ideas for maintaining communication, trust and mutual respect, in order to foster loving relationships between those choosing divergent paths.

P)  Building Bridges between the Bible and The Urantia Book     

George Zuberbuehler

The goal of this workshop is to explore various aspects of Bible-UB bridge building in order to form a team of dedicated participants that will continue to work together long after this conference is concluded.

S)  Our Response to The Urantia Book's Eugenics                                           


What social forces have shaped our societal views on genetics?  How can we answer those questions and deal with those debates regarding the views expressed in The Urantia Book?  A variety of answers are presented in this thought-provoking workshop.

S)  Where in the Universe Are We? (Part 2)                                              

John Causland

Prepare to enjoy a trip through the known universe!  Can we identify our Minor Sector?  Major Sector?  Superuniverse?  What new findings in astronomy can we relate to statements in The Urantia Book?  Take this exciting visual trip through outer space.

E)  Spiritual Re-parenting: Inner Healing and Transformation in Relationship with God

Gard Jameson, Marvin Gawryn

This workshop will relate Jesus' central teachings to core qualities in our human families of origin, then explore their fuller enfoldment as we live in our Father's larger universe family.  We will conclude with an exploration of how a regular practice of deep worship allows our Adjusters to re-parent us.

E)  SpiritQuest (Session 3)                             

Eef Hoedemaker and Roy Healy

UB (you be) The Revelation.  By using practical techniques and the "learn by experience" model, SpiritQuest addresses the key elements of spiritual growth.  SpiritQuest builds upon the abilities and strengths the participants already have, bringing about an understanding in a very short period of time.

P)  How Does God Function Within Us? (Session 5)                              

Moussa N'diaye

This workshop is a continuing seminar of eight sessions.

E)  Young Adults in Action - Creating the Next 50 Years (Part 2)           

Thomas Orjala and Aurora Hill

Join us in a two part experiential workshop where we will discover, define, and develop our many talents and leadership skills.  We will make lasting friendships while we explore ways to work as a group during and after the conference.  Young adults are the future leaders of the movement.

P)  Faith, Hope and Trust:  A Spiritual Compass in an Uncertain World

Marilynn Kulieke

This workshop explores the spiritual forces of faith, hope and trust and how they help us progress spiritually.  For instance: "If hope, the grandeur of trust is desirable, then we must be confronted with insecurities and recurrent uncertainties".  (3:51.7)

Find out how our worst hopes and fears can become our greatest triumphs.

5:30 - 6:00 pm Divine Meditation - Bartley 1011

Gard Jameson leading

5:30 -7:00 Dinner

7:00 - 9:00 Special Interest Groups - for list and locations see the information board in the lobby of the Connelly building

8:00 - midnight Club UB - Connelly Building, Villanova room

7:00 - midnight Music - Bel Air Terrace

Tuesday, August 2nd

7:00 -7:30 am Aerobics and stretching with- Gina Buselli on the lawn between the apartment buildings

7:00 -7:30 AM The Art of Seamm Jasani with Pradhana Fuchs

7:00 - 8:30 Breakfast

9:00am - 7:00 pm  Free Time

Scheduled day Trips

7:00 pm - 8:00pm Music - Bel Air Terrace

8:00 -  9:00 Auction of Urantia Relics- Bel Air Terrace

9:00 - midnight Music Bel Air Terrace

Wednesday, August 3rd

7:00 -7:30 AM Aerobics and stretching with- Gina Buselli on the lawn between the apartment buildings

7:00 -7:30 AM The Art of Seamm Jasani with Pradhana Fuchs

7:00 - 8:30 Breakfast

8:45 - 9:30 Worship

Facilitated by Judy Langston, Villanova Room
Service--As we strive unselfishly to serve fellow children of our common
Father, our appreciation for their sonship and the God indwelling them
brings forth a sense of thankfulness which leads us to the doorway of true

9:30 - 10:00 Plenary session

Enabling Spirit and the Next 50 Years

Byung-Gil Seo

10:15 - 11:45 A.M.

S)  Science in The Urantia Book: Problematic or Prophetic?                         

Dick Bain

Does the science of The Urantia Book agree or disagree with our current science?  Is it ahead of current scientific thought?  Why did the authors include science content in the book?  Hear the presentation and join the discussion following.

E)  Learning the Religious Practices of Jesus                                  

Kurt and Sheryl Cira

This workshop will analyze the main components of Jesus' religious practices, with focus on his meditative, worship and prayer communion with our Father.  We will discuss and practice ways to develop these habits that bring us closer to Him and provide power and joy in our daily lives.

P)  History of Epochal Revelations on Urantia                                   

Barbara Newsom

The Urantia Book will be reviewed with regard to the five epochal revelations.  Patterns and themes of historical treatment will be identified, especially the origin, history, destiny of each revelation as presented in the text.  This session will be an objective review of the text, with comments and questions from participants.

E)  But Seriously, Folks.                                                               

Theresa Ransbottom

This workshop will explore the ways that humor can help you achieve a happier and healthier spiritual life.  Learn about the three kinds of humor listed in The Urantia Book.

In this fun and insightful session we will use humor to develop the fruits of the spirit and learn to laugh at ourselves with others.

P)  Cosmic Citizens as Children of God                                             

Jack Kane

This presentation explores the importance of understanding that we are cosmic citizens as well as children of God. We will discuss what it means, and how necessary The Urantia Book is in leading us to recognize this concept.

S)  Journey to India/The Legacy of the Sethite Teachers                              

Dave Holt

Follow the fascinating trail of the Sethite teachers as they set out from the Second Garden to spread the Adamic teachings across the face of Asia.  See how many major world religions reflect the labors of these tireless workers.

P)  The Cymboyton Discussion Series (Session 3): Expectations About Revelation                            

Bob Devine, Al Wolf, Steven Hecht

In honor of the Urmia School of Religion and its founder, come to a place for conversation where the floor is open for people to share their views on the topic up for discussion.  Rules of civility and tolerance from Urantia Paper 134:3 apply.

E)  The Choice and Mindset to Serve God and Our Fellows                               

Phil Taylor

This workshop explores the choice to serve God and man.  Why do we make such selfless choices?  The participants will share their spiritual insight and experience so that we may grow collectively in our understanding of service.

E)  The Urantia Revelation: Acceptance or Rejection in the Next 50 Years?                                                

Mo Siegel, Gard Jameson, Paula Thompson, Guy Perron, Sue Tennant

This five person panel of experienced Urantia Book disseminators will probe cultural barriers and spiritual needs that will shape the revelation in the next 50 years.  We'll discuss spreading the book vs. the book's teachings, active vs. passive dissemination,

Christian vs. non Christian acceptance, the next generation and global trends.

P)  How Does God Function Within Us? (Session 6)                             

Moussa N'diaye

This workshop is a continuing seminar of eight sessions.

P)  Sharing the Gospel of the Kingdom - The A.R.T. of Effective Communication

Robert "Mr. Happy" Moyers

Discover how to open a direct and static-free communication line to God Our Father.  Develop wisdom and understanding about the "process of effective communication."  Experience conflict resolution at its highest level and learn how to present The Urantia Book "in spirit and in truth".

Building the Foundation for the Kingdom Age Church of God
Positive People Partners Joy of Living Program
Positive People Partners Information
Positive People Partners 2005 Programs, Workshops, Seminars
Suggestions to Know Jesus
Urantia Conference Speech Outline

P)  Revelation: The Truth Paradigm                                                               

Al Lockett

Science has a dynamic structure for self renewal.  It progresses when anomalies within the current paradigm are solved.  Evolutionary religion progresses only when it is renewed by revelation - the truth paradigm.  When examined, the truth paradigm will reveal clues to what we can expect over the next 50 years and beyond.

11:45 - 1:15 Lunch

1:30 - 3:00 P.M.

P)  Unity: A Choice But Not an Option                                                          

Dave Elders

Bestowed personality confers a unity obligation.  Our acceptance is enabled by will choice, manifests in the soul, and becomes a unique part of the Supreme.  This profound obligation is not ultimately an option.  It is, however, a choice we have to make in the time and space gifted by our Father.

E)  A Living Temple of the Father and His Son Jesus                 

Algimantas Jokubenas

The Light and Life epoch has one religion of God.  It does not happen overnight.  As participants, this workshop will explore the process of attaining the New Temple on Urantia.  There will be a group worship of our Universal Father.

E)  The Revelation Hits the Classroom: The Personal Creed Project and a New Vision of Learning (Part 1)

John Creger

Participants weave self-discovery through this interactive session, creating personal creeds while exploring Creger's nationally-recognized model of learning synthesized from The Urantia Book.

E)  Spiritual Conditioning for the Next 50 Years                                          

Al Lockett

Get ready to sweat (spiritually) in this constructive workshop where attendees will create useful daily exercises designed to build spiritual muscle and cosmic stamina.  The focus of the experience will be in the areas of prayer, patience, faith, love and worship.

S)  Hot Topics in Astro-Physics                                                                   

John Causland

Controversy is the key word for this workshop.  What do astronomers believe they know, and what do they admit they don't know?  Does The Urantia Book have anything to say on these topics?  Speculate with the experts!

P)  The Importance of The Urantia Book Revelation and its Remarkable Opportunities with a Timeline Perspective

Jack Kane

The workshop will focus on how important and unique The Urantia Book revelation is and the remarkable opportunities it presents. It will include a visual demonstration and discussion of where the five epochal revelations occur on a timeline of the time humans have existed on earth.

P)  Incorporating the Fifth Epochal Revelation in Organized Religion and Interfaith Activities (Part 1)   

Eugenia Bryan, Steven Hecht, Linda Huff, Lee Loots, Ken Raveill, Stephen Zendt

How has The Urantia Book informed our spiritual pursuits and what faith contexts have we experienced?  How do we perceive opportunities to be of service within organized religion?  What role does The Urantia Book play in future religious explorations?  These questions are addressed by panelists followed by breakout discussion sessions in Part 2.

E)  Centering: A Method of Worship Embrace                                   

Marvin Gawryn

The Urantia Book teaches that our parent/child relationship with God becomes real in the loving embrace of deep worship.  In this workshop we will present the method, practice it, and share the results in group discussion.  It provides the experiential foundation for a subsequent workshop, "Spiritual Re-parenting."

P)  Hot Rod Or Jalopy?                                                                           

Jorgan Andrews

Where is Urantia on the road to Light and Life?  Is our planet progressing or backsliding politically, economically, and spiritually?  Join us for an interactive discussion of global trends based on Urantia Book teachings, including the papers on Light and Life, the Urmia Lectures, and Government on a Neighboring Planet.

E)  Recognizing Spirituality in Children                                                

Sara Blackstock

How does it look, sound and feel?  This workshop is a spiritual and scientific examination of the phases and development of children's spirituality, in both everyday life and climactic moments.

P)  Exploring the Practice of Becoming Like a Little Child                     

Richard Knox

The material world is constantly seducing us to believe vulnerability is death and should be avoided at all costs.  Divine Intelligence is constantly prodding us towards intimacy and liberation through forgiveness.  Hence becoming like "the fully trusting little one."

A return to innocence - but innocence of what?  We'll explore the answer to that question.

P)  How Does God Function Within Us? (Session 7)                          

Moussa N'diaye

This workshop is a continuing seminar of eight sessions

3:30 - 5:30 PM

Jerusalem Marketplace open house.

Join the youth as they present the experiences of the Jerusalem Marketplace. Taste the snacks of the day, participate in making some of the crafts, and chat around the well. Youth will dramatize a few episodes in Jesus' life".

3:30 - 5:00

P)  Spirituality in the Here and Now                                                    

Agustin Arellano

How do we make possible a better understanding of the concepts of spirituality that we find in The Urantia Book?  We will explore the different levels of awareness we attain as soon as we let these insights become a part of our consciousness.  These insights can help us lead the way to a more vibrant social brotherhood.

E)  Dancing For Joy! A Worship Movement Workshop                     

Michelle Klemish

In this gently active session, we will explore and create prayer through movement.

Everyone is welcome.  Wear comfortable, easy to move in clothing.

E)  Sacred Relationships                                                           

Meredith & Dave Tenney

This experiential workshop explores the divine patterns of partnership presented in The Urantia Book and how we can replicate them in intimate relationships.  We will consider historical examples of humans who have replicated the divine pattern of relationship and apply those principles to our personal lives.

E)  Seven Ways to Find Urantia Life Friendships at IC05              

George Thornbury

This is a 90 minute participating, sharing, form filling, brainstorming and potentially rewarding workshop for single people who are not in a relationship but want to be.

E)  The Natural Order of Things                                               

Tom & Patricia Strawser

This workshop introduces a proven experiential technique to solve emotional problems using The Urantia Book teachings.  "Jesus taught the appeal to the emotions as the technique of arresting and focusing intellectual attention.  He designated the mind thus aroused and quickened as the gateway to the soul". (UB 152:6.4)

S)  Scientific Panel Discussion                                                 

John Causland, Phil Calabrese, Dick Bain

Bring your questions to this open discussion of science in The Urantia Book.  A brief recap of their programs by each presenter will be followed by an open forum of questions and answers.

E)  The Revelation Hits the Classroom:The Personal Creed Project and a New Vision of Learning (Part 2)

John Creger

Participants weave self-discovery through this interactive session, creating personal creeds while exploring Creger's nationally-recognized model of learning synthesized from The Urantia Book.

E)  Second Mile Challenge (Session 3)                                          
Errol and Rochelle Strider

This workshop is an invitation to explore how our relationship with God, our life experiences and the teachings of The Urantia Book empower us to become second milers. We will learn how to identify and deal with the obstacles that keep us from the second mile and commit to being and working together to build a "new and transformed human society." (195:10.5)

P)  Incorporating the Fifth Epochal Revelation: Organized Religion and Interfaith Activities (Part 2) 

Eugenia Bryan, Steven Hecht, Linda Huff, Lee Loots, Ken Raveill, Stephen Zendt

This workshop is a breakout participant discussion session from Part One. 

How has The Urantia Book informed our spiritual pursuits and what faith contexts have we experienced?  How do we perceive opportunities to be of service within organized religion?  What role does The Urantia Book play in future religious explorations? 

E)  Discovering God's Will in Your Life                                          

Chick Montgomery

We all profess to want to do the Father's will, but often are not sure what it is.  Through a series of seven guided exercises you will be led to "go within," achieve spiritual insights, and then write down what you have discovered.  By the close of the workshop, you will have a fuller and deeper knowledge of God's will for your life.

P)  From Havona to Havana: Making Spirit Matter                        

Pradhana Fuchs and Coloro Magana

(Presentation in Spanish)

This workshop will reflect on the presenters' recent Cuban outreach experiences.  They endeavored to spread The Urantia Book through the leading of the spirit in a country that doesn't possess many options for finding spiritual meaning.

P)  How Does God Function Within Us? (Session 8)                              

Moussa N'diaye

This workshop is the conclusion of eight sessions.

4:00 - 6:00 pm Open house at the Jerusalem Marketplace

5:30 - 6:00 pm Divine Meditation - Bartley 1011

Marvin Garwyn leading

7:00 50th Anniversary Gala Dinner

Thursday, August 4th

7:00 -7:30 AM Aerobics and stretching with- Gina Buselli on the lawn between the apartment buildings

7:00 -7:30 AM The Art of Seamm Jasani with Pradhana Fuchs

7:00 - 8:30 Breakfast

8:45 - 9:30 Worship

Facilitated by Roy Healy, Connelly Room
Progressing Value Levels--Self-conscious, free-will, personality choice
spiritualizes our thinking, builds our souls, and fuels our ascent to the
doorway of true worship.

9:30 - 10:00 "The Next 50 Years"  Errol and Rochelle Strider

10;00 - 11:00  Talk - "Hindsight, Foresight, Insight - A Urantia Book Odyssey"

Steve Dreier


11:30 Lunch