IC05 Morning Worship Program
Worship is a unique, transcendent experience wherein the finite personality-will creature approaches and ultimately attains the presence of the infinite personality of our Father. In worship, we ask for nothing and expect nothing. We choose, voluntarily, to express our love for and devotion to our Father for everything we are able to comprehend that he is. In the end, true worship is the decision of each personality, made in the depths of his or her own soul, and is an experience between each personality and our Father.
Human will creatures appear to approach the worship experience in differing ways in response to earning, temperament, cultural context, religious context and other factors. At IC 05 our program will focus on four pathways to the worship experience. These four pathways were chosen because they are essential, common human capabilities derived directly from the way in which the Father's plan for will creatures is manifest in us-Sensory Stimulation, Contemplation and Meditation, Unselfish Service, and Progressing Value Levels. These four pathways not only sit at the heart of ascending human life experience, they also are the very faculties we use to seek God, to do his will, and reach the doorway to the worship experience.
Sunday: Facilitated by Craig Peyton
Sensory Stimulation--Our spiritual emotions are touched by variations of external input to inspire our reach toward the doorway of true worship.
Monday: Facilitated by Marta Elders
Contemplation and Meditation--In the quiet of our interior mind and soul we reach for God and await his response as he beckons us to enter the doorway of true worship.
Wednesday: Facilitated by Judy Langston
Service--As we strive unselfishly to serve fellow children of our common Father, our appreciation for their sonship and the God indwelling them brings forth a sense of thankfulness which leads us to the doorway of true worship.
Thursday: Facilitated by Roy Healy
Progressing Value Levels--Self-conscious, free-will, personality choice spiritualizes our thinking, builds our souls, and fuels our ascent to the doorway of true worship.
On each of three afternoons, there will be a ½ hour Divine Meditation session.
Sunday Barbara Dreier
Monday Gard Jaimeson
Wednesday Marvin Garwy