The Urantia Book Fellowship

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Urantia Book

PO Box 4583
Grand Central Station New York, NY 10163


E X P E R I E N C E  A
Buk and Arlene Weimer


Divide into groups of 4-5 participants.


Select roles = father, mother, and children (age specific).


Select officers = chairman, secretary


Agree on procedural rules = "Roberts' Rules", 1 person-1 vote,

                                              1 person-at-a-time speaking, 1

                                               problem-at-a-time, etc.


Each family member presents an idea for a family "rule" =

negotiate until a  consensus is achieved.


Each family member present a "consequence" if the "rule"

is broken = negotiate until a consensus is achieved.


If consensus not achieved = "shelf" the issue until next meeting.


End meeting with something positive = snack treat, humor, hugs, etc.