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Urantia Book

PO Box 4583
Grand Central Station New York, NY 10163


Buk and Arlene Weimer


1.    Take the child aside, in private, with one or both parents.


2.    Ask:  "Do you agree.what you did was against the rules

              (or did something wrong)?"  Admitting the wrong.


3.    "Now that your agree you did something wrong, what do

you think the consequences should be?" (Teaching that

there is always a consequence to behavior - good & bad - and that nobody ever "gets away with something".)


4.    After stating their consequences, the parents state what they

think the consequences should be. (Parents have a great

advantage after the child states a consequences because they

can choose a consequence greater or lesser than what the child has requested.)


5.    Then negotiate an agreement - somewhere in the middle

between the parent and child for a win/win situation and mutual respect is honored.