The Urantia Book Fellowship

MP3 Format

Papers 183-196

Papers 120-136   Papers 137-156   Papers 157-182
Note: Each section of the text is a separate audio file

Paper 183: The Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus

Introduction to Paper 183
1. The Father's Will
2. Judas in the City
3. The Master's Arrest
4. Discussion at the Olive Press
5. On the Way to the High Priest's Palace

Paper 184: Before the Sanhedrin Court

Introduction to Paper 184
1. Examination by Annas
2. Peter in the Courtyard
3. Before the Court of Sanhedrists
4. The Hour of Humiliation
5. The Second Meeting of the Court

Paper 185: The Trial Before Pilate

Introduction to Paper 185
1. Pontius Pilate
2. Jesus Appears Before Pilate
3. The Private Examination by Pilate
4. Jesus Before Herod
5. Jesus Returns to Pilate
6. Pilate's Last Appeal
7. Pilate's Last Interview
8. Pilate's Tragic Surrender

Paper 186: Just Before the Crucifixion

Introduction to Paper 186
1. The End of Judas Iscariot
2. The Master's Attitude
3. The Dependable David Zebedee
4. Preparation for the Crucifixion
5. Jesus' Death in Relation to the Passover

Paper 187: The Crucifixion

Introduction to Paper 187
1. On the Way to Golgotha
2. The Crucifixion
3. Those Who Saww the Crucifixion
4. The Thief on the Cross
5. Last Hour on the Cross
6. After the Crucifixion

Paper 188: The Time of the Tomb

Introduction to Paper 188
1. The Burial of Jesus
2. Safeguarding the Tomb
3. During the Sabbath Day
4. Meaning of the Death on the Cross
5. Lessons from the Cross

Paper 189: The Resurrection

Introduction to Paper 189
1. The Morontia Transit
2. The Material Body of Jesus
3. The Dispensational Resurrection
4. Discovery of the Empty Tomb
5. Peter and John at the Tomb

Paper 190: Morontia Appearances of Jesus

Introduction to Paper 190
1. Heralds of the Resurrection
2. Jesus' Appearance at Bethany
3. At the Home of Joseph
4. Appearance to the Greeks
5. The Walk with Two Brothers

Paper 191: Appearances to the Apostles and Other Leaders

Introduction to Paper 191
1. The Appearance to Peter
2. First Appearance to the Apostles
3. With the Morontia Creatures
4. The Tenth Appearance (At Philadelphia)
5. Second Appearance to the Apostles
6. The Alexandrian Appearance

Paper 192: Appearances in Galilee

Introduction to Paper 192
1. Appearance by the Lake
2. Visiting with the Apostles Two and Two
3. On the Mount of Ordination
4. The Lakeside Gathering

Paper 193: Final Appearances and Ascension

Introduction to Paper 193
1. The Appearance at Sychar
2. The Phoenician Appearance
3. Last Appearance in Jerusalem
4. Causes of Juda's Downfall
5. The Master's Ascension
6. Peter Calls a Meeting

Paper 194: Bestowal of the Spirit of Truth

Introduction to Paper 194
1. The Pentecost Sermon
2. The Significance of Pentecost
3. What Happened at Pentecost
4. Beginnings of the Christian Church

Paper 195: After Pentecost

Introduction to Paper 195
1. Influence of the Greeks
2. The Roman Influence
3. Under the Roman Empire
4. The European Dark Ages
5. The Modern Problem
6. Materialism
7. The Vulnerability of Materialism
8. Secular Totalitarianism
9. Christianity's Problem
10. The Future

Paper 196: The Faith of Jesus

Introduction to Paper 196
1. Jesus--The Man
2. The Religion of Jesus
3. The Supremacy of Religion