The Urantia Book Fellowship

Letter from Urantia Foundation to J.J. Johnson
regarding changes made to the text of The Urantia Book
June 13, 1988

533 Diversey Parkway
Chicago, Illinois 60674

June 13th, 1988

Mr. J. J. Johnson
44-392 Olena St., #4
Kaneohe, HI 96744

Dear Mr. Johnson:

Thank you for your recent letter with attachments concerning your correspondence with Christy regarding various matters you raised about the text of The Urantia Book, particularly your concerns about the phrase inhabited worlds, which appears on page 1319. A copy of your exchange of correspondence with Christy over the matter of page 1319 will be shared with the Trustees.

However, as you are well aware, Christy's relationship to the text of The Urantia Book was unique. It should be appreciated that the correspondence between Christy and you was of a personal nature and should not be assumed to be the official position of the Board of Trustees. It is quite probable that the current Board of Trustees do not feel that they have the same relationship with the text of the book that was enjoyed by Christy.

In other words, the Trustees may not feel they can exercise the same latitude that was available to Christy in these matters. I can only assure you that this matter will be brought to the attention of the Foundation. I cannot give any assurance that there will be a formal response on this matter from the Board.

For obvious reasons, a matter such as this is an issue of delicate and sensitive proportions, and the Board may not wish to expand the written record on the matter. It is possible that the only clear response to this matter will be to examine the phrase of concern in the 10th printing of the book.

It was good to see you and Geri at the General Conference last year. I get the impression through the grapevine that you and Geri's presence on Oahu has had a most positive influence on activity.

Keep up the good work. The fields are vast but the laborers are all too few.

Best wishes and warmest regards from everyone.

In Fellowship,

Scott M. Forysythe
Administrative Assistance
