This semicolon was changed to a comma in the seventh and following Urantia
Foundation printings -- "little that night; so they" changed to "little
that night, so they"; also "Caesarea-Philippi" changed to "Caesarea Philippi"
Original Paragraph:
P1759:3, 158:7.1
Early this Wednesday morning Jesus and the twelve departed from Caesarea Philippi
for Magadan Park near Bethsaida-Julias. The apostles had slept very little
that night; so they were up early and ready to go. Even the stolid Alpheus
twins had been shocked by this talk about the death of Jesus. As they journeyed
south, just beyond the Waters of Merom they came to the Damascus road, and desiring
to avoid the scribes and others whom Jesus knew would presently be coming along
after them, he directed that they go on to Capernaum by the Damascus road which
passes through Galilee. And he did this because he knew that those who followed
after him would go on down over the east Jordan road since they reckoned that
Jesus and the apostles would fear to pass through the territory of Herod Antipas.
Jesus sought to elude his critics and the crowd which followed him that he might
be alone with his apostles this day.